Morning Plans

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I woke up smiling. I had dreamt of Frank. I lay there for a moment remembering what had happened last night. I lean over and check the clock on my bedside table. It was still early. 6:45am.
Why was I up this early on my day off?

I roll over and realise Frank is laying next to me. I suddenly remember that we both fell asleep last night, just talking, my head laying on his chest.

Should I wake him?. I don't know what time he has to be in the studio.
He looked so peaceful laying there.
I watch his chest move up and down as he lightly snores.
God this man is so cute.

I move over and managed to find the position where I was laying last night. My head on his chest. He makes a moaning sound, half asleep and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Good morning beautiful" he mutters. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. I was extremely comfortable last night" I smile.

"Me too. I could get used to this" he grins.

We lay there for a few minutes. Not wanting to move from our little space.
Feeling the warmth of his bare chest against my cheek, I trace some of the outlines of his tattoos with my finger.
There is such an array of different subjects tattooed on his body. I'm fascinated by them all and the story behind them.

"So, you gonna make the coffee then or am I just going to lay here and dehydrate?" he laughs.

"You cheeky bastard" I gasp jokingly. Poking him in the stomach with my finger.

I get out of bed and walk over to the coffee machine, I put two mugs under it.

"What coffee would you like?" I ask him. "I have to know these important details"

"Black and sugar please babe" he replies.

I pressed one latte button and one black coffee button. The liquids start to pour into both mugs. I plop two sugar cubes in each of the mugs and stir them.

I walk back over to the bed and give him his mug, then I get back under the covers and take a sip of my drink.

"What time does recording start?" I ask him.

"9am so I have enough time to grab a shower and a change of clothes" he replies "and possibly fit a couple of cigs in before hand"

He puts his mug down on the bedside table, rolls over towards me and leans in for a kiss.

"And obviously many kisses from my woman" he laughs.

"Your woman?" I gasp. "That's all a bit sudden"

"Hey, the things you done with your hands last night makes me more intrigued by you and I'm not letting you go" he smiled.

I lean over and give him a kiss back. Longer this time, more harder and passionately.

He pulls away. "No, I can't get too excited or I will be walking round with a boner all day" he says laughing.

He finishes his coffee and gets out of bed. Walks around to my side of the bed and gives me a kiss.

"Will I be seeing you later?" He asks.

"I hope so. Maybe we can order room service and have a proper date" I replied.

He kisses me again. "Sounds like a fantastic idea"

He walks to the door and opens it. Turns round and gives me a wink before leaving.

I stretch out on the huge bed and squeak with excitement.
No one has ever made me feel like this before.
I just wish I could go follow him and jump into bed with him. I'm craving his touch already.

I must compose myself. I walk to the bathroom and jump into the shower.
I have to get ready and get out this room otherwise I will be thinking about him and what we did all day long.

I know Anna is working till 2pm today until Terry takes over so I need to keep myself occupied until then.

I go down to reception to see Anna and say we should do something at 2pm.

"It's so hot outside, should we go to the outdoor pool and sunbathe?" She asks.

That idea sounds good to me. I plan to meet her by the pool at 2:30pm.

I walk to the office to see if Terry is in.
He's sitting behind his long desk, staring at his computer screen.

"Terry, do we still have that DSLR camera that I used to take pictures on for the website?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it's in the cupboard under the reception desk, near the mini safe. What are you wanting it for?" He asks curiously.

"As the band is here and I have days off, I thought I'd take some pictures of what they are doing in the ballroom. We can use them for the website and they can always have some shoots done on the grounds that would promote the hotel" I explain to him.

"What a good idea. It would give the hotel some much need publicity. Does the band know about this?". He carries on.

"It was actually Frank that came up with the idea last night when I was talking to him. So he is the one to thank, not me" I smile.

Terry nods and smiles and turns back to his computer screen.

I walk back to reception and kneel.on the floor to get to the cupboard. I find the camera bag with all the lenses tucked away at the back.

"Ooh, what you want that for?" asks Anna.

I explained about the candid shots, hotel shots and photoshoots of the band.

"Oh can I help if I'm not on shift?. I can help with direction" she grins.

"Hah! The only direction you would be worried about is Gerard" I laugh. "Yes of course you can help".

I take the camera up to my room to put in charge and rummage through my suitcase to find my bathing suit.
God job I remembered to pack sunscreen too otherwise I will burn to a crisp.

I put my suit on and put some shorts and a t shirt over the top. I grab a towel from the bathroom and a couple of bottles of water from the fridge too.

I push the button to the elevator and the doors ping open.
I hear a high pitched scream.

Mikey is stood there, breathing heavily.

"Shit, I didn't realise these doors open so fucking fast" he says laughing at himself.

He looks and see my towel tucked under my arm.

"Off on holiday?". He smirks.

"Spending the afternoon by the outside pool. It would be a shame to waste a beautiful day" I smile back at him.

"Did you want any company?. Me and the guys have finished recording for the day. We were just going to plan and write a few things. Would be nice to do it in the sun" he says

"Sure. I'm meeting Anna there at 2:30pm. The more the merrier" I give a big smile as we have reached the 3rd floor where Mikey is going.

The doors open and he steps out.

"See you guys soon" he grins as the door shuts.

Quarantine Hotel (My Chemical Romance Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz