Let the Music Play

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I wake up early, still reeling from last night's kiss with Frank. I can't believe how hot that guy is.
I mustn't keep thinking of it though as I have to get downstairs as my shift on reception will begin soon.

I quickly jump in the shower, throw my hair up on top of my head and put my uniform on. I fill up a disposable travel cup with a very strong coffee and make my way downstairs.

Terry is sitting at the desk waiting for me to take over. He gives me a little smirk and I'm wondering why.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask

"I heard about you and a certain band member last night getting a bit hot in the bar" he laughs. "Way to make the guests feel welcome"

I put my head down, blushing and feeling embarrassed. "Oh my shit, I'm really sorry for doing that"

"It doesn't matter what you do in your spare time but just don't let it affect your job" explained Terry. "I'm not mad at you".

"Thank fuck for that" I sigh. "I thought you were going to fire me"

"No, never" he replied. "Why do you think I wanted you to work this job?. I appreciate everything you do for this hotel".

"But I kissed a guest" I gasp

"And technically when you're off duty, you are a guest too" he calmly says. "Have fun when your not working. Good lord, we all need some excitement after all the world has gone to shit"

I sign, relieved. I walk up to Terry and give him a hug. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear.

"Now get to work, it's two minutes past your shift" he laughs.

I smile and settle on the seat at the desk. I honestly think I have the best boss ever.

My shift goes pretty quickly. I see people passing through the lobby, giving them a smile as they walk through.
I can smell the chefs cooking in the kitchen. My mouth is almost drooling as it smells so good.

I look at the clock and it is 2 p.m. I see Anna step out of the elevator in her uniform. It must be the end of my shift.

She walks up to me and gives me a hug.

"How did your evening go after I went up to bed?" I asked her.

"Holy shit, I will have to tell you later but it was fucking amazing. ". Her smile was so big, it would of put the Cheshire Cat to shame!

"Come to my room as soon as you finish at 8pm. You have to tell me everything" I pleaded with her.

She nodded her head and smiled a big grin again.

She REALLY must of had a good night.

I leave her at the desk to carry on working and walk to the dining room to see if there is anything left over from lunch.

The room is empty. Only Andrew and Jack are cleaning up.

Terry decided to put on a spread of sandwiches and snacks for the first day of recording. It was like a 'thank you for choosing us' party.

There were a couple bags of Doritos left so I grabbed the cheese flavour packet and decided this would be my lunch.

I open them up and start munching. I was walking towards one of the patio sections of the hotel to sit down and enjoy the outside world for a bit when I could hear music playing. I wondered who had a stereo on so loud

As I got to the patio, I realised it was from the ballroom/makeshift studio.
I sat down on one of the chairs near a big ivy bush that was crawling up the side of the hotel wall.
It was very secluded and no one could see me.

I carried on eating my Doritos and listening.

"Toro, play that rift again"
"Holy shit that's awesome"
"Let's add a bridge in here before those chords"
Gee, can you sing that again?"
"Should we add another verse?"
"Frank, play them chords you done before"
"Mikey, double the speed of that bass note"

I looked at my watch. 3:40pm. I've been sat here ages listening to their music.
I've been completely engrossed by their sound. It was amazing.
I wanted to stay a bit longer but I'd planned to have a long bath and put a face mask on before Anna came round after her shift.

I get up and pick my bag up. I sneakily peeked through the window to see what was going on. I've heard so much, I was intrigued on how it all looked.

I saw Frank. He was playing something over and over again on a white guitar.
He stopped and looked up. It was like her knew I was there as he looked straight at me.
He smiled and waved.
I waved back.

He was mouthing something.
I could quite make it out.
I mimed at him that I couldn't understand.
He done it again. I understood this time.
"What room are you in?"

I told him the numbers by holding up my fingers. 1.....0.....4.....

He mouthed back. "I will see you later"

He gave me a wink and then carried on playing.

I really had to go have the bath now.

I ran through the back door and up the stairs that led to the corridor where my room was.

I get in my room and head straight into the bathroom to turn the taps on for my bath. I added some expensive bubble bath from the shelf and the bubbles rose up in no time.
I stripped off my uniform and sunk into the hot water. Incasing myself into a cocoon of beautiful smelling bubbles.
I laid back and shut me eyes. Frank was the first thing that popped into my mind.

I was then getting out the bath when I heard a knock at the door.
I look through the peephole and realise it's Anna.

I open the door, grab her arm and drag her into my room.

"Oh my shit Anna. Now spill. What the fuck happened last night?" I ask as my ears pricked up

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