Let's Talk

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Gerard's Point of View

"Where the fuck is he?. It's 9:30 am" moaned Mikey.

The door of the ballroom bursts open.

"Sorry guys, I couldn't find my jeans this morning" Frank announces as he walked over to his guitar stand.

"Were they in the same place where Holly ripped them off you last night" laughs Ray.

Frank looks over to him, smiles and gives him an eye roll.

"Ok guys, let's get started on this new song" I say and I try to calm the tension in the air.

Sometimes these men can bully and swear at each other like school children. I suppose it's because we are all so close like brothers, we can act this way with each other and not offend one another.

Ray starts the cords of his guitar and Frank joins in. I hear the bass kicking in from Mikey and I start singing the lyrics that we have wrote.

When the lights go out, will you take me with you
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I call home?

The music echoes around the room. The acoustics bouncing off the ballroom walls. It sounds absolutely amazing.

The lyrics are so deep, very personal. About meeting that special someone that makes your heart go wild. That perfect person that makes all the noise in the world go away and it's just the two of you.

You can run away with me
Anytime you want

"Fuck that was awesome" shouts Rob, our producer from behind his booth. "It sounded so raw and emotional"

"I fucking love this song" pipes up Frank. "Mikey, that rift you made sounds excellent"

Mikey smiles and plays the rift again.

"Let's do it and record it again. I can mix in the versions" says Rob's voice, booming through the mic.

We play it three more times and each time it gets better and better.
I look over at Frank and he's singing the harmonies so perfectly, with real passion.

We then take the time to do our solo performances of the song.

Me and Frank are last on the list as we we have to put so many harmonies against the music so we go outside to have a cigarette and sit in the sun.

"Fuck Gee, that song is so beautiful. Like really touching" Frank says, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I love the lyrics that you have added to it as well" I say to him. "Makes me wonder if this girl you're seeing has done a number on you"

"I think she has. I can't get enough of her" Frank replies. His eyes give away his happiness.

"I can tell as even when you think of her you're smiling" I tell him.

"We haven't even had full on sex yet and already I'm hooked" he says smiling. "I haven't felt this way about someone for a very long time"

"That's exactly how I feel too. Every time I spend a moment with Anna, she takes my breath away" I say smiling back at Frank.

"Really it's going well then?" He asks

"It is. She's so kind and funny. I can just be myself around her" I say as I start to laugh. "She actually spent an hour of me talking about comic books yesterday"

"Woah she definitely is a keeper" he laughs back.

"I know. When we get physical as well it's out of this world. She's so good in the bedroom department. I find it hard to keep my hands off her" I say as I come over all misty-eyed.

"Man, you are smitten" Frank laughs.

"I think I am" I smile. "Are you and Holly good?" I ask.

"Really good. I'm thinking of going all the way with her soon. I'm so nervous though" he says, biting his bottom lip. He rubs his hands together anxiously.

"Why you nervous?" I ask. "It's not like you're a virgin"

"I just really like her and I hope I'm enough for her" he replies, bowing down his head, still rubbing his hands.

"Is she a little wild?" I laugh

"Very wild. I've definitely met my match with this one" he raises his head and laughs with me.

"Well as they are friends with each other maybe we should go on a double date?" I suggest. "It will be good to have some supportive back up for all of us".

"That sounds like a really good plan" he nods. "I think that would relax me a lot more"

Mikey's head pops round the door

"Frank it's your turn to do the rift" he says with a grin.

Frank gets up and gives me a pat on the shoulder

"Let's organise this date" he says and give me a wink.

Mikey comes and sits down next to me
"What were you talking about?" He asks

"Just about stuff" I reply. Keeping a straight face.

"And the girls that you seeing". Mikey raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah and that". I break out a smile.

"Look the way I see it. These girls seem to make you really happy" he says. "It kind of bums me out because I'm missing my woman at home". Mikey's smile disappears from his face.

"Oh I'm so sorry we don't have to talk about it if you don't want" I tell him, placing my hand in his knee in support.

"No it's fine I just really miss her but I've been video calling her every night so it helps". He makes a little grin with his mouth but I can still tell he's sad.

"Well I'm here if you ever want to talk" I say and give his knee a squeeze.

"Thanks Gerard you're a good Big brother" he replies and leans over to give me a hug. I hug him back even tighter. I would do anything for this man.

"Suppose I better get in there and do some work" I say, still hugging him.

I let go and stand up. I pick up my box of cigarettes and put them in the pocket of my jeans.

"Off you go I'm going to sit in the sun and little bit longer" Mikey laughs.

I punch his arm jokingly and then head through the door

I need to text Anna and organise this date. I got to help my boy calm his nerves.

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