Half Naked and Wet

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I lay my towel out on one of the sunbeds and make myself comfortable.

I lay back and close my eyes. The sun is beaming on my skin, feeling it warm up my whole body and making me feel alive.

I'm feeling so relaxed, I can hear the birds chirping in the trees and there is a slight breeze.

I notice a shadow suddenly blocking the sunlight on my face. I open one eye and see Mikey standing over me.

"Could I trouble you for some sunblock?" He smiles.

I hand him the bottle and he starts spraying it on his arms.

Ray and Gerard arrive shortly afterward and make themselves comfortable on a couple of sunbeds next to mine. Ray has brought his acoustic guitar with him to help with the song writing process.

I wonder where Frank is.

All of a sudden there is this loud shout of "CANNONBALL" and a large splash in the pool. We all look over to where the water is rippling and Frank's head pops out from under the surface.

"Man, I needed to do that. I was boiling hot in that studio" he grins.

He gets out the pool and walks over to me, with his arms open.

"You hug me Iero and I will slap you" I laugh

"Do you not want a big wet hug from me?" He smirks and falls down on top of me. I squeal as his wet body feels cold against my warm skin.

"Now you are going to have to reapply my sunscreen" I wink at him.

He laughs and grabs the bottle from Mikey.

He sprays some on my back and starts rubbing it gently into my shoulders, massaging my muscles as the cream soaks into my skin. He runs his fingers up and down my back slowly then spreads the cream down the outside of my arms.

Feeling his hands all over me makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I feel electric as he touches my skin.

He leans forward and kisses the back of my neck.
"All done baby. Let me know when you want more" he whispers in my ear.

"Hey, what's going on here?" comes a loud voice approaching.

Anna lays her towel on the sunbed next door and sits down.

"I think Gee wants to get you wet Anna" laughs Frank.

"I think he did enough of that the other night" I add to the joke.

We all look over to Gerard, sitting there with his notepad and pen, blushing.

"Stop making jokes you guys" says Anna, concerned that Gerard would not want to continue with their late night activities.

"I thought we were here to write" he say. "Work now, play later". He looks over at Anna and gives her a wink and smiles. Anna smiles back, knowing everything is ok.

Frank looks at me and rolls his eyes. "enjoy the sun babe. I will be back". He kisses me and goes to sit next to Gerard on his sunbed.

I lay back on my bed and close my eyes again.
I peek over at Anna and she is doing the same.

We lay listening to the guys talk and go over lyrics for a new song.
Hearing them harmonize in unison.

It's actually really beautiful. Normally you have the sound of electric guitars playing but just them singing acoustic is amazing.
They run over the song a couple of times and then turn to me and Anna.

"So what do you ladies think?. Is it good? Asks Mikey.

"It really is nice. Will be interesting to hear what it sounds like with all the instruments " Anna says.

"Good job guys" says Ray and puts his hand up to high-five everyone. "Now let's relax"

He grabs his hair and ties it back with a band from around his wrist. He lays back and lets the sun coat his body. Mikey moves to another sunbed and lays down. Looks like he could fall asleep within a few minutes.

Frank walks over and grabs my hand. "Let's swim" he smiles and drags me up and over to the side of the pool to the steps.

I look over to Anna and Gerard is now laying on my sunbed next to her. He is holding his hand out and gripping her hand with his. They are so cute together.

I turn back to Frank's and he has already walked down the steps into the pool.

The water is not so cold today and it's really nice and refreshing after laying in the sun.
I swim up to Frank who has decided to duck underwater.
I look around for him and suddenly feel hands moving up my body.

His head pokes out of the water and he swoops his wet hair back. Looking at his face, drips of water run down his skin. He smiles, oh that smile!. Fuck, this man is so sexy. How the fuck am I supposed to control myself around him.

He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him so I wrap my legs around him. He moves his head forward and kisses me, hard.
My arms drape over his shoulders as I pull his head closer to me, kissing him back harder.

"Fuck girl, you make me so hard" he whispers.

"I know, I can feel it" I giggle as I feel him growing and pressing on me between my legs.

"I just wish I could fuck you right now" he moans. He moves one hand from my hips and grabs his hardness, moving it so it's rubbing again me through my bathing suit.

"You fucking tease Iero" I laugh. "At least I made you come last night. You are just leaving me hanging".

He laughs back and then starts kissing me again. Slipping his tongue inside my mouth and touching mine.

"Are we still on for dinner tonight?" He asks.

"I hope so" I smile

"Good because I have something very special planned for dessert" he winks at me.

"Does it taste nice?" I smirk.

"I bet it does. Although I've never eaten it before" he says as his eyes open wider and he raises one eyebrow.

I gasp and playfully push him away.
"Stop talking about it, I'm getting fucking horny and it's all your fault" I laugh.

"That's ok baby, save it all for tonight, my place, 7 pm" he smiles and sticks the tip of his tongue out the corner of his mouth.

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