Alcohol and Attraction

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I looked at myself one last time in the mirror.
I'm looking pretty good!.

I wear a simple black dress that is just above the knee, with bardot sleeves drooped over each shoulder. I decided to wear a simple high heeled court shoe to give me a little height. At 5ft 4 inches, I feel short most of the time. Plus they make my legs look great.

I check my hair and make up. Simple hair down style with my natural ringlets curling over my shoulders.
I grab my phone and text Anna.

H: I'm ready. How long will you be?

A: Just having a piss and I will be there

Anna makes me laugh so much. There is not filter for what comes out of her mouth.

I wait for five minutes and then hear a knock at the door. I open it and see Anna stood there are in a gorgeous dark blue dress that matches the contrast of her hair perfectly.

"Are you ready to go and rub some shoulders with some nice looking men?" She giggles.

I grab my bag and shut the door behind me as I leave.

As we getting the elevator, Anna stares at me, smiles and takes a deep breath.

"I can't believe I'm going to meet Gerard Way" she says, her voice quivering. "I liked him so much when I was a teenager. I've seen pictures of him now and he still looks absolutely divine"

"Well I'm kinda digging the one they call Frank" I say to her with a little grin. "I actually spoke to him at breakfast this morning and he seems like a really nice guy"

"Holy shit, that's fucking awesome" her voice getting high pitched.

We get to the bottom floor and the elevator doors open. There are a few people gathered in the hotel lobby. I guess they are all part of the entourage.

We walk past them and head to the bar.
A quick scan of the room slowly and see Frank standing up one end of the bar with Gerard and Mikey.

I think to myself that I have to act cool, hopefully Anna will be acting the same.
I turn my head and look at her and she just smiled at me, grabbed my hand and we walked to the bar.

"Hey Ben" I say as I catch the bar man's eye.

"Good evening ladies, what can I get you?" He smiles.

"I will have a pink gin and lemonade" stated Anna. " Holly will probably just have a coke"

She knew my order. I don't drink that much. I would rather just soak in the atmosphere instead of getting inebriated. Plus I don't like anything to do with vomit so it puts me off doing things, hence why I never became a cleaner in the hotel!.

Ben gives us our drinks and we make our way over to the table near the window.
It just so happens it's very close to the end of the bar where the guys are standing so I have a good view of some eye candy.

"What's Gerard doing?" Asks Anna. She has her back to the group and wants to know every detail.

"It looks like he's drinking a big glass of lemonade and laughing with his friends" I replied.
I glance up again and Frank catches me looking at them. I smile and put my head down, hoping to hide the mild flush that has arisen in my cheeks.

"Shit, Frank saw me staring" I say and look up again. All three men are walking over to our table.
"Fuck Anna, they are coming over" I mutter. "Act cool"

"Hiya, you are Holly from the reception aren't you" asks Gerard. "Who is your friend?"

"I'm Anna. Nice to meet you" she says holding out her hand. "I also work on reception"

He takes it softly and kisses the top of her knuckles. Anna giggles "very charming" .

"I'm Gerard, this is my brother Mikey and my good friend Frank" he says as he introduces the guys to us.

"Me and Frank already met this morning. We are here due to the invitation from him" I smile

Gerard turns to Frank. "Well thank you for bringing two nice ladies to this soiree" he laughs.

"Can I get anyone any drinks?" Pipes up Mikey. "Looks like a pink gin and...a... Coke?"

"Spot on, thank you" grins Anna.

The other two pull up some chairs and sit down at our table.

"So are you looking forward to starting recording tomorrow" I ask.

"We still have a few songs to write but we're going to start recording what we have." Smiled Frank. "It's just going to be nice to get inside a studio setting again after everything that has happened"

Mikey comes back with a tray full of drinks and put them on the table, pull up a chair and join us.

We all talk about music for what seems like ages.
I look over at Anna and she is giggling at whatever Gerard says. He's even placing a hand on her knee. Looks like they are getting to know each other quite well.

Mikey excuses himself to go to the toilet, this gives me the chance to speak to Frank again.

"Does it feel daunting to live in this hotel for a couple of months while you work" he asks. "Does your husband or boyfriend mind that you are away from home?"

"I'm single so it doesn't really matter" I reply to him.
He looks at me and raises his eyebrows with a smile.

"Well I don't know how long we are here for but it would be really nice to get to know you a bit better during this time" he asks. He puts his hand upon mine that is resting on the table.

"That would be nice" I replied and gave him a smile. "I can show you how nice the gardens are at some point".

We both look over at Gerard and Anna.
He looks mesmerised by every word that Anna says.

"Looks like Gee is really into your friend" Frank laughs. "Maybe we can double date"

"I'd rather have you all to myself if I'm perfectly honest" I grin

He smiles back at me. "Oh it's like that is it?"

I nod and keep grinning. Looking at his hazel eyes. The colour of a dark gold sunset on a summers evening.

He leans in and I feel myself leaning towards him too, the energy between us is electric. His puts his lips upon mine and kisses me gently. I can feel the breath from his nose brush against my top lip as he lets out a faint moan.

I could feel a fire building up in my stomach. His kiss was turning me on so much.
We both pull away at the same time and smile at each other.
I see a glint in Frank's eye.

"We definitely have to pick this up again when we next meet" he says with a grin.

We look over to the other two people sitting at a table. They are both looking at us, shocked but smiling.

"Having fun Frankie?" Laughs Gerard.

Frank laughs at him and shows him his middle finger.

"All work and no play makes Frank a dull boy" Frank continues to laugh. "Might as well have a bit of excitement while we are here"

Gerard picks up his glass. "Cheers to that" he smirks.

I look at Anna and we both giggle.

I love my job!.

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