My World is Changing

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Frank's POV

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.
I look at myself in the mirror.
I should really have a shave but I'm kinda liking the hairy chin look.
Holly seems to really like it too so I might just leave it for now.

I walk out into the bedroom and see Holly sitting on the window bench, staring out at the sunset.
Her face looks amazing as the colours of the sky bounce off her skin.

I really am so lucky to have her in my life.

I walk closer to her and she looks at me.
She looks upset.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask her.

"Nothing" she says as she wipes her eyes, trying to hide her tears.

"You have been crying. Why are you so upset?". I sit down next to her and grab her hand to hold.

"I'm just thinking" she says with a sigh.

I grab the box of tissues from the table and bring them over to her.

"Well, whatever your thinking has clearly upset you" I say.
I grab her hand and squeeze it in mine. Giving her that little bit of comfort.

"Did you want to talk about it?. I'm a good listener" I say, still holding her hand.

"It's just...just...I'm having the best time with you and I don't want it to end" she said with a crackle in her voice.

"Who says it's ending?" I look at her confused. Is she dumping me?. Does she not want to be with me any more?.

She looks at me and her face looks so puzzled too.

"Are you dumping me?. Holly, I thought we had something special" I say, trying to not show my emotions. My heart is beating. I don't want this to end.

"It just, you will be leaving after you have finished recording....and I will still be here?" She sniffed.

"Oh" I paused. I felt a lump in my throat. I have been living in such a dream world with her that I didn't realise that she was thinking of the future.

I want her in my future. I want her to come back with me. To my home and call it 'our home'.
Does she not want this?. I've just expected her to come with me. I should have said something earlier. I need to let my heart out. I need to tell her how I really feel.

"Holly, I don't want this to ever end" I carried on with my heart spilling speech.
"I want you to come and live with me. I want you to be my partner, my girlfriend, my everything. Now that I found you, I'm not letting you go. I know you are worried about your job and your living arrangements but I will provide everything for you"

"I can't let you do that Frank" she shook her head. "It's all so much, I've always provided my own way in life".

"And you will eventually. But right now, relax, enjoy the life we are living". I pause for a minute. I actually going to say this. Fuck, I actually going to tell her how I feel.
"I love you!. I fucking love you"

My eyes start filling with tears. I said it. It's been eating away at me. I've finally told her how I feel.

Holly just sits there in shock. Not saying nothing. Still holding my hand. She takes a deep breath. "Really?" She says softly.

I nod at her and a tear falls out of my eye. Goddamn emotions!.

"Holy shit, I love you too!" She smiles. "I've been wanting to tell you for the past week but I didn't know how you felt and then this ominous feeling of everything ending. I just held it all inside".

She's smiling but her eyes are full of tears again. It makes me emotional again.

I lean forward and hug her so tight.

"Oh Holly, I want you forever. I want to provide and care for you. I want you to live your best life with me. Please come with me when we leave?. I never ever want to lose you. I love you so much. I want to grow old with you."

She's smiling and crying more now.
"Frank, stop saying these things, I'm an emotional wreck" she laughs.

I laugh with her as happy tears fall down my cheeks.

"So is it a yes?" I ask, holding my breath.

"Yes!. Yes Frank" she smiles and wipes away the tears.

"Phew, thank fuck for that" I laugh. "I can actually breathe now"

She giggles that cute way that makes me all warm inside.

"I will help you wrap up things here and then we can move you into mine...sorry OURS!". I laugh. "You can finally meet my dogs. Lois is gonna love you"

"I can't wait" she says, squeezing my hands tight. "It's scary leaving everything behind but I want to be with you so much. I'm willing to do this to spend the rest of my life with you"

"I know this is crazy!" I sigh. "I've never to been so sure about anything in my life though. I wonder what Anna and Gerard will say".

"Shit, Anna!" She gasps. Her smile fading. "Fuck, I'm going to be leaving her. Everything else I'm willing to give up but Anna?. She's my girl"

"Is this going to be a deal breaker" I ask. "I will help with her traveling to ours whenever she wants".

My heart is beating fast again as I realise Anna means so much to Holly. I feel bad for even suggesting that I split two best friends up but Holly is the love of my life and I want to be with her.

This is the only hurdle that we have come across. I don't even know if we can cross it.

"Maybe you need to speak to Anna about everything" I suggest. "I'm sure she already knows how you feel. I hope she understand".

Holly takes a deep breath. She picks up her phone and texts Anna.

"Anna are you alone?. Can I come over and talk?"

She waits a few seconds and her phone beeps a reply.

"Of course, I need to speak to you too"

We both stand up and I lean in and give her a soft kiss.

"I love you Holly" I whisper.

"I love you too Frank" she replies as she heads for the door.

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