#112 Acchi Kocchi (comedy recommendation no.9)

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Comedy Recommendation No. 9

Acchi Kocchi

Genre: Comedy, romance

Episodes: 12 episodes

Manga: 6 volumes, status ongoing

Opening song: Atchi de Kotchi de by the cast

Ending song: Te o Gyu Shite ne by Rumi Ōkubo


The serious-minded Io and the pure-hearted Tsumiki feel they never want to be parted, but haven't become a couple yet. More than friends but less than lovers, they develop an awkward quasi-romance.

Own opinion:

More than friends, less than lovers. That's what I say if I have to describe the relationship of our two cute and awkward protagonists. If you're only starting in anime and you want to watch something cute or if you just finish watching clannad and you want something to soothe your heart then this show is for you! It's a very heart warming and funny show so I'm sure everyone will like it. :) You really definitely need to watch it!

Rank: 5 over 5 stars


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