Chapter Thirty: Old Habits Die Hard

Start from the beginning

Her rage could no longer be contained, causing her anger to come pouring out of her. "We have sex in that bed! We sleep in there every fucking night! How could you do this to me!?" Raine pushed his bare chest with all her might. "Why would you do this to me!?"

She couldn't unsee it. Every time she blinked, there were glimpses of what he might have done with Yuri. Raine was taunted by images of him on top of her, beneath her, and doing to Yuri all the things he had done to her.

"Me?!" Jungkook screamed back, infuriated by her accusation.

How dare she act like the victim?

"Who's the one that's been lying this whole time, huh?! How long have you been seeing him behind my back? How long have you been making me look like a fucking dumbass!? Was it fun for you two?!"

Raine gawped in shock while she tried to digest his words. "You saw me?"

Jungkook nodded smugly and came closer. "I saw you. Both of you cuddled up." His lip curled up in disgust at the thought of them in the coffee shop.

But the way she laughed, loud and hard in the most mocking way possible, surprised him. It was like the entire ordeal was some sort of tasteless joke to her.

"So you saw Namjoon sitting there too, then?"

Jungkook's eyebrows met in puzzlement. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Did you see Namjoon sitting there or not, you fucking imbecile!?" The volume of her voice rose with every single word. Raine held onto her head in disbelief. "You're an idiot. Truly." She whispered as she turned away.

"Namjoon wasn't there." Jungkook was sure he didn't see his Hyung there, but he grew nervous at the possibility.

"Yes, he was!" Raine pulled her phone out of her back pocket and dialed Namjoon's number with shaky hands. Once on speaker, she threw it on the bed because she wasn't planning on ceasing her packing. It rang a total of three times before it was answered.


"Joon!" Raine answered in an aggravated tone as she picked up one of the bags from the floor to keep filling it. "Where did we go today?"

"The coffee shop." He replied.

Jungkook's heartbeat at twice the speed as he realized that he might've missed something.

"Why?" she asked Namjoon as she watched Jungkook. His mouth was parted, eyes trained on the phone as Namjoon spoke.

"To tell Daehyun to leave you alone."

No, no, no, no.

"Why Joon?" Her voice cracked and the tears she'd been holding in started to slip out.

Jungkook peeled his eyes away from the phone to look at Raine. His own eyes welling with tears, trying to comprehend what was happening and only understanding that he had actually been the one to fuck everything up.

"Is everything okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Why Joon?" By then, it was becoming increasingly difficult to swallow down her sobs.

She couldn't wrap her head around what he had done and she never would because she had been nothing but good to him. She was the one there to defend him and support him when everyone else labeled him a lost cause. They were good together.

Weren't they?

Why did he have to ruin us?

Instead of trying to figure that out, she opted to memorize that idiotic look he had on his face right now. She wanted it forever engraved in her mind so that for the rest of her life whenever she thought of him, she could remember this face and what he had done to her.

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