Chapter Twenty Eight: For The Love Of Pork Belly

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It was the first day back and he was already skipping classes. It was better that way. He was so angry that he wouldn't have been able to concentrate, anyway. He just wanted to go home, regroup, and try to calm down before coming back to pick up Raine. Jungkook might've been infuriated with her, but he wouldn't make her walk home. She hated walking.

"You're finally seeing it, huh?" A voice called as he made his way to his car. Jungkook turned to see Yuri walking up to him. He directed his gaze to the sky and mentally asked God why he was making this day so difficult.

"Seeing what, Yuri?" He asked with an eye roll.

"That Raine isn't as perfect as you thought."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"She is never going to leave him alone. It's just a matter of time before she does to you what Daehyun did to me."

Jungkook laughed in her face. "I can't even tell who you're more obsessed with at this point. Raine or Hwang?"

"You can mock me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that what happened today will continue to happen. She will always run back to him, and it's time you take those rose-tinted glasses off."

"Yuri, just because Hwang used you as a rebound, it doesn't mean that that's what Raine and I have. Believe me."

"Yeah, I thought I was special, too. Until I wasn't."

With that, she turned and walked back into the building.

She's wrong. Dead wrong.

He wasn't a rebound, and his relationship could not be compared to Yuri and Daehyun's.

Could it?

Jungkook sat behind the wheel of his car, marinating in the effect of Yuri's words. He found himself caught in a sticky web of emotions that only seemed to enmesh him even further, the more he tried to fight out of them. He felt angry, jealous, confused, and above all, worried.

He knew there was no way he could make sense of all of this on his own. A listening ear and words of wisdom would come in handy right now. Jungkook would've given anything to have his mother there. She would have known just the right thing to say to help him figure out this predicament. But she wasn't there, so he reached out to the next best thing.

The phone rang three times before the surprisingly soothing voice on the other side picked up. "Hey, can I come over?"


It was awkward. Sitting beside Jiae and trying to have a normal conversation was like pulling teeth. Aside from their small talk at their mother's ceremony, they had yet to hash out their issues. Jungkook still would not discuss their fight. It was pointless and best to ignore it for now. They were siblings, in the middle of a disagreement, that they'd get over in no time. Eventually, it would be water under the bridge. Hopefully, all their problems would be swept away with the current.

"So, why aren't you in school?" Jiae asked, turning herself towards him.

He leaned back and lifted a shoulder to show indifference. "I couldn't concentrate."

"Because of mom?"


Jiae took a beat before asking her next question. "Is it Raine?" His lack of response and the way he sighed were all the answers she needed. "What's going on?"

Jungkook stared up at the outdated drop ceiling of Jin's apartment. How could he explain his predicament without making Raine look like a horrible person? Because she wasn't. If anyone was to blame, it was Daehyun, but now they were both caught up in a mess.

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