🚨🔞Chapter Seventeen: Just One Time🔞🚨

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A/N: *Steps into her box of shame.* TOODALOO!


Raine pulled a pillow over her face and groaned in frustration. Last night was a humbling night for her in every sense. First, Yuri leaves her at a party alone for God knows what reason, and then to top off a shit-tastic sundae of a week, there was Jungkook.

The repudiation cherry.

The only good thing that happened was Hobi getting her pizza and keeping her company until Jungkook arrived.

She had done a lot of dumb shit in her life, but what she did when she got home took the cake.

She threw herself at Jungkook.

At Jeon Jungkook.

Perpetual fuck boy.

And he rejected her.

He walked around, practically offering himself to her every five minutes, and the minute she was for it, he pushed her away. She did not count on that happening. Especially, not when he kissed her back.

She wondered if teasing her was a game to him. Was it fun to say the things he did to her without actually meaning a single thing? Was she stupid to believe that he was actually attracted to her and not just being playful?

She touched her lips with her fingertips, remembering what it felt like to be kissed by him. His lips were soft and inviting, and he was probably a better kisser than anyone Raine had ever kissed.

Raine couldn't understand how he could kiss her like that and in the same breath reject her.

She believed at least some part of him must've wanted her because she felt it. He was aroused when she touched him. Was it possible his body reacted to her touches, even though he didn't want her?

She probably shouldn't have even tried, but she was so confused. Raine was proud of the strength she had demonstrated when Daehyun reached out to her. She could've easily texted him back and never told Tae a thing, but she chose to cut him out of her life again before he could enter it. Unfortunately, she could feel herself backsliding at the mere thought of him. She would've loved to say that she felt nothing anymore and that she didn't care about him either, but that would've been a lie.

So she thought that maybe if she could be with Jungkook, if even for a night; then she could prove to herself that she could be with anyone else instead of Daehyun.

She was pathetic.

She'd been pathetic when she allowed a man to trick her into thinking she was the only one, she'd been pathetic in her trust of a girl she barely knew to not leave her alone at a party, and she'd been pathetic in believing Jungkook would ever really want her.

She was quickly realizing that the only person that she could count on, besides her father, was Taehyung. Unfortunately, he lived an hour away, and it was hard to be together all the time. Now, the crippling loneliness she was beginning to feel was making her less and less willing to get out of bed.

Raine believed that if she slept today away and maybe most of tomorrow, she could feel better by Monday. At least, that was what she told herself because that was easier than admitting that she was falling into old habits. After the break-up, she had fallen into a pretty bad place. She didn't even have Tae there to console her because he was in another country. She also couldn't tell her father what was happening, and she had to fight through it alone.

Raine should have gotten up, showered, and done some school work because midterms were just around the corner, but instead, he rolled herself around in her comforter.

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