Chapter Eleven: The Invite

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Jungkook made it to class in the knick of time. He was early enough to where the lesson hadn't started but late enough to get a disapproving look from Namjoon.

Upon looking at the section he always sat in, he found Mike in his regular seat, looking down at him with a smug expression.

When the fuck did this asshole start taking this class?!

Jungkook scanned the room again for a seat. Finally, finding an empty one, one seat down from Raine.


She could have been nice enough to wake him up this morning, but she chose not to. In her defense, he had been a bit of an ass the night before. He just needed to get out of that apartment. Something he couldn't explain was happening to him when he thought about Raine. Especially, when he thought about Raine and any other male on the planet. It was unlike him but he wanted her so badly. Namjoon was right, he shouldn't shit where he eats, but something about her made it extremely difficult to resist.

It's the reason he left after bugging her so much to watch the show. He needed to be with someone else to get his mind off her. So he texted a friend with whom he used to work. They would occasionally hook up and have a lot of fun together. The girl was easygoing. She didn't expect anything more from him than just a good time, and the sex was always great. He was sure that was all he needed to forget about Raine for the night.

The moment he made it to her place, they decided to have a drink together. Multiple glasses of whiskey later, he was practically passed out on her couch. She had to take his phone and call Jimin to come to get him because he was in no condition to drive home, let alone sleep with her.

Jungkook hadn't slept with anyone since before Lena, making him long overdue for release. Yet, when he got to that girl's apartment and looked at her, he couldn't feel a single ounce of sexual desire.

He'd have to chalk up Raine making his head spin on lack of female genitalia.

Raine looked up briefly as Jungkook squeezed past her desk and sat beside the guy next to her.

"Thanks for waking me up this morning." He huffed, pulling his materials out of his backpack.

Raine looked past the man beside her and at Jungkook. Today his hair was damp and somehow perfectly disheveled. It was like he hadn't bothered brushing it that morning, but it still looked great.

 It was like he hadn't bothered brushing it that morning, but it still looked great

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"You're a grown-ass man. I'm not your alarm clock."

"And I'm not your chauffeur but I drive you to school most days." He snapped back, his tired eyes finally meeting hers.'

"Then don't!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and opened his textbook. "I made you a goddamn omelet the other day. The least you could do is knock on my bedroom door and say 'hey dickhead. You're going to be late for class.'"

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