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Bright flash for a moment lightened up a small, underground corridor, as a cylindrical object appeared in the exact center of this occurrence. It looked as if it was just hovering there. Motionless. Just for a brief moment, before it touched the ground, converting into a disc. At the same time, the light that surrounded it disappeared, revealing the shape of an orc.

He was almost two meters tall, with broad shoulders and muscly arms. He looked strong and athletic. He had a sharp jawline, and strong cheekbones. His short, black hair was somewhat unkempt, which was mainly due to him being outside for quite some time. He wore roughly sewn clothes, made out of cowhide, and hard, leather boots. Heavy axe was strapped over his left shoulder. It was more a tool, than a weapon. This orc was a woodman.

Or so Sanomis Ti'nullaim wanted to present him, when he was choosing the details of this look. For it was a flawless look. He wasn't just looking like an orc, he was one. No one he'd meet would know the difference. Which was to be expected, since Sanomis worked on this mask, this avatar, for quite some time. To the point, he even spent the last couple of months studying and learning orcish behavior and manners.

Sanomis created this appearance, because of his previous few stints on Chaygor. But also for all future ones. He knew there would be more. This region wasn't explored like others. The details he later added to the character, were in case he'd meet anyone on his travels through the region. He gave him a name. Even find one lonely corner in Chaygor, he could call his home. He did it all, in order to create a more authentic persona. Because, with every new expedition to the surface of the planet, he knew the risks of stumbling upon local folk were ever so greater.

The orcish avatar which Sanomis created was already tried and tested, when in two separate incidents, he stumbled upon hunting parties. The mask showed itself to be quite a good one, both times. Seeing the orcs hadn't shown any suspicion. They exchanged greets. They talked for a while. And they moved along afterwards. But still, Sanomis had to make sure it is working properly now. So he paused for a brief moment, to check the diagnostics of the emulation.

First, and probably the most important of them all, was the stability of the system itself. He had to know if the avatar would remain stable, once he set his foot outside, on the surface. They were working exceptionally well. Then he switched over to the control panel of the visual subroutines. If there was an error in loading, it would be better to find one now, then later, in the open.

To his relief, everything seemed in order. The TEA worked flawlessly. If he wanted, he could without further hesitation proceed to the surface. And he would, if he hadn't noticed a mistake he made at the very beginning. He hadn't analyzed the cave before he decided to make the jump. If he had, he'd know not to do that right away. It wasn't safe. It wasn't secured. The cave was occupied.

"Fuck." Sanomis cursed under his breath.

If he hadn't needlessly poked around the menu, checking and rechecking the systems and subroutines, he'd notice a flickering light of a fire, coming from behind the bend, deeper into the tunnel. He'd notice he wasn't alone.

"Two life forms detected." the module informed him.

"Fuck." Sanomis cursed once again, turning around in a moment to see the two figures appear from around the corner.

They were orcs. Both of them, tall, brawny and young. Both armed with massive, curved blades. On any other day, Sanomis would notice much more details. He'd notice what they wear. Their hair. Even the color of their eyes. Just one glance at their gruesome, threatening weapons was enough to forget everything else.

Sanomis thought to tell them something. To perhaps try and de-escalate the situation. As if that would change anything. These two weren't intending to stop. Geologist's sudden arrival interrupted them in something much bigger than plain rest and sleep. Like these orcs would ever sleep inside the caves. They were most likely hiding here from someone. Or something.

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