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The tunnel extended to the left and downwards in a slight slope for some two hundred meters, where it abruptly intersected into a narrow ravine. This wasn't a coincidence. Quite visible marks of pick-axes and other similar tools, stretching over the walls of the tunnel were clear indicators this passage was handmade. The miners were aiming for this specific location. And it became clear why, once Sanomis glanced over the edge of the crevice.

Copious amounts of diverse ore veins oozed from the smooth walls above and below him, forming a stream of intertwined magnificence, which could only be compared with the finest natural wonders of the universe. Or so Sanomis thought. But then again he had a geological bias towards this sort of place.

The chasm was way too deep for him to even see the ground. Similar to the ceiling, that was hidden somewhere high above, in the shroud of darkness, through which even his visual enhancer, for whatever reason, could not break through. Occasional breeze of cold air, coming from somewhere to the right, only enhanced the uneasiness that Sanomis suddenly began developing. Something seemed wrong with this place in more ways than one. So why was he still sticking around?

Blocked tunnel, alongside with the untouched fortunes of this ravine, meant that dwarves surely ran away from this place. Who, or what, could possibly force them to do that? They were very well known for their bravery. And even more so, for their need to accumulate the riches. They wouldn't just leave. Sanomis made a reminder in his notes, to ask for an opinion about this, from sociological and anthropological experts, as soon as he was to return to Shteint. Their points of view could very well be of great help, in uncovering what truly is behind this.

Barely audible rustle suddenly came from the bottom of the gorge, to the left of Sanomis. Something in between the whisper and a gust of wind. He immediately checked his device, not knowing what to expect. But the new reading also came back as before. There was nothing here. Or at least the sensors thought so. They were telling him it was safe. So, naturally, he should be feeling safe. Only, for whatever reason, he wasn't. And it was getting worse, with every passing second. To the point, he was starting to worry. He felt something was here. Something, not even the sensors could pick up.

It would be more than reasonable to leave this pit. Even more so, because he was without the support. Besides, he already had plenty of samples. A few more wouldn't make any difference. But he had to keep on going. To see what's hiding behind the next bend. In the next branch. It was that exploratory gene of his. Making him do what he does, even if it wasn't all that wise to proceed. And it was doing the same thing right now. Especially after he noticed the narrow stairs, carved against the edge of the gorge, some thirty meters from the exit of the tunnel.

The stairs descended in a steep angle for more than two hundred meters, where it abruptly, but seamlessly, leveled with the bottom of the ravine. Although probably made in a hurry, every single one of the steps was the same height and depth. Every single step was flat, even and smooth. Every single one was flawless. The reflection of the craftsmanship which would put a shame on even the best of the vard builders. Even more so, because they all used rather advanced tech while doing their work. This, on the contrary, was built by hand.

Every uncertainty regarding the former explorers of this cave disappeared as soon as Sanomis reached the bottom. There, not even four paces away from the swell, he set his eyes on dwarven skeletal remains. The body was lying flat, on its belly. Caught in an awkward side step, in an attempt to flee from something. Something that was frightening enough, the dwarf couldn't think of anything else. Something, that instantly and rather violently, prevented him from doing so. Something that undoubtedly possessed exceptional power and strength, judging by the crater it left on the backside of this unfortunate dwarf. He was missing half of it.

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