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"Ch'ybal? Ch'ybal, are you there?" Sanomis was trying to establish the connection with the ice maiden for more than two minutes now.

But to no avail. The crystal remained quiet and still. It didn't react. Whatever he did back then, it obviously wasn't working now. And Sanomis had no idea what it was. He touched every centimeter of the surface. He stepped in and out of the water pool. He even sprinkled a few drops over the crystal. But nothing helped. There was nothing else he could try. Nothing, except to wait. And so he did. He waited. Patiently. Sitting still, always staring at the crystal. Ready to act. He waited for over four hours. Motionless. Waiting for the crystal to come to life.

"So, you actually came back, vard." Sanomis heard Ch'ybal's voice, as crystal flashed in bright, white light.

It wasn't as harsh as before. It didn't surround him. It was mild. And it didn't seize control over his body. It served only as a signal, before it shut down.

"Does that surprise you?" Sanomis asked.

"Not at all." Ch'ybal answered "You said you would."

"And you believed me?" Sanomis asked.

"Well, you also said, you are telling the truth." Ch'ybal answered.

"I did." Sanomis retorted "And I meant it."

"I know." Ch'ybal said.

"Of course you do." Sanomis said "So, what now?"

"Now..." Ch'ybal said "Now we'll find out if you know the truth, besides telling the truth."

"I know the truth." Sanomis retorted.

"Very well." Ch'ybal was pleased "Then, vard, would you be so kind as to reveal the reason for your return to Dorull?"

"First of all, let me express my sorrow for everything the vards did on and to this planet." Sanomis said.

"But?" Ch'ybal sensed it coming, long before the geologist even begin to form the thought.

"But, and although I know it doesn't mean much, I simply need to inform you that the majority of us have no clue what is going on."

"Which is?"

"I truly don't know what to call it." Sanomis was honest "It is some kind of person sorting thing. It is the process of finding the compatible ones. Suitable even. And not just the individuals, but the entire groups. All with the intention of relocating them from this world."

"I knew it!" Ch'ybal growled "You fucking slaver cunts!"

"Slavers?" Sanomis asked confusedly "What are slavers?"

"Come again?!" Ch'ybal raised her voice "You've got to be kidding me."

"What? Why?" Sanomis was confused.

"Now you'll pretend you don't know what the slavery is?" Ch'ybal was starting to sound annoyed.

"But...but I don't. Honestly." Sanomis defended himself "This is the first time I hear of that particular term."

"Unbelievable." Ch'ybal sighed "And most concerning. But hey, at least you know what the cunt means."

"Concerning?" Sanomis asked "Why is that?"

"Because I am now wondering what else your elders hid from you." Ch'ybal answered "And because we don't have time for that right now."

"Hold on. Please tell me, did the same thing happen before?" Sanomis asked.

"What happened before, must not repeat ever again." Ch'ybal answered.

"What happened? What did vards do?" Sanomis asked "Tell me, please. I need to know."

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