But would his son truly stop his conquest now? Granted the odds were against him even more, but that had never stopped him before. Iwagakure and its Tsuchikage understood this grave threat and wanted to put a stop to it immediately.


The ninjas from both sides stopped their relentless arguments and insults when they heard the thunderous command from the Mizukage himself.

"I understand my General's wishes and to be honest I don't trust Iwagakure to uphold this peace that they are fighting for right now" said Naruto carefully, and raised his hand to silence many of his Generals from commenting any further.

"At the same time, I am a practical man. I will not endanger my nation and my men in another gruesome campaign. We need to focus on building our strength and allow our citizens time to build our economy while we strengthen our supply lines. We cannot ignore what our advance to Iwagakure will do to Konoha who are our allies. So here is my offer for peace, Iwagakure will not only sign an admission of guilt but also sign a non-aggression pact with Kirigakure and Konoha. They will also pay reparations for every Kiri shinobi and the earlier Seven Ninja Swordsmen they killed"

He looked around the gathering and saw nearly everyone was contemplating his offer. The Konoha delegation looked intrigued, as for his own men...they looked divided.

It was no surprise when one of them voiced what they were all feeling.

"Why, Lord Fourth? Wasn't it your ambition to keep moving forward until all our enemies are destroyed?" asked Kisame honestly,

"Iwagakure will betray us sooner or later, Lord Fourth. It's in their nature and while they may have more men than us, our forces are far better trained and equipped. Under your command, our legions have never lost. Say the word, and we shall march into Iwagakure alongside you no matter what hell awaits us" promised Mangetsu earnestly,

"Does the fact that Iwagakure killed your mother have an impact on your suggestion, Mangetsu?" asked Naruto sympathetically, for he had destroyed Kumogakure for doing the same to his own mother and family.

"It was my father's dream to crush those bastards. And I would be lying if my mother's death at their hands does not influence my desire to continue our march to their nation. But I also don't want future generations to inherit another war, a conflict which we could have prevented if we don't lose our resolve today" explained Mangestu, earning a firm nod from Haku and Ameyuri as well.

"I share that feeling" agreed Naruto,


"Even so my decision has been made"

The Mizukage's firm declaration left no room for further discussion, considering there was no feudal lord overseeing him like in the past left him with the final say.

Tobirama curiously watched the effect of that decision on Kiri's Generals and Admiral. They looked far from pleased and while they were important figures, it was the army that was fiercely loyal to their Kage. These men and women would have no choice but to accept this decision if the rank and file shinobi agreed with their Kage's choice.

From what he had seen so far, the Kiri army had become an extremely lethal and organized force under his son's command. They were confident and proud, but his own delegation had caught several common shinobi openly discussing their desire to see their homeland and families once again.

They had left the Land of Water for what was nearly two years in a few months from now, they had achieved stunning victories and their conquest of nation after nation had ensured their place in history forever. But thousands of them had died and those that survived had endured brutal conflicts and extreme conditions for what felt like eternity.

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