Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 4

Start from the beginning

Within a few seconds, they reached their wounded comrades. As the water clones started carrying the wounded back up the mountain, Ukina saw the first major crack in the barrier erected by her Captain.

She looked at her Captain and saw he looked prepared to die in order to protect the retreat of his shattered force.

"Where the hell are the reinforcements!" yelled one of her chunin comrades angrily,

"There were none" whispered Ukina sadly, realizing the lie they had all been led to believe by the village elders.

A resounding explosion jolted the young Uzumaki out of her despair.

As she and her fellow chunin glanced forward once more, they were shocked to see one ship of the enemy fleet explode into thousands of pieces courtesy of a devastating blast that tore it apart.

Before even a single gasp could escape from her lips, Ukina saw more and more of the enemy ships being blown to shreds without any mercy.

There was a strange buzzing sound in the air and looking up, her eyes widened even further when she saw nearly a dozen humanoid figures falling towards them from the skies.

In the blink of an eye, the new arrivals zoomed towards the enemy forces on the ground and unleashed a rain of paper bombs strapped across sharp and nimble kunai being launched at a frightening speed from the weapons in the hands of these airborne troops.

The frontline of the enemy force was torn to shreds, while sending most of their remaining troops sailing backwards. Many didn't get back up...

Ukina and the remaining Uzumaki felt a flicker of hope being reborn in their hearts and could only watch in stunned silence as the new arrivals did a low flyby several feet above the ground where they again launched a salvo of kunai at the few Jounin that were attempting to rally the disarrayed enemy forces.

They avoided the incoming barrage with ease only to catch sight of a blonde flash that disappeared before they could even blink.

Ukina flinched when the same warrior appeared in front of the Uzumaki forces in a defensive position.

To her horror, the targeted enemy officer's heads rolled down to the ground instantly crushing the morale of the remaining troops under their command.

The masked blonde warrior raised his hand making his comrades land around him as the wings across their backs shrunk into an extremely comfortable small size.

"1st platoon, with me. Formation 5!" he commanded in a fierce voice that expected nothing but obedience.

He glanced back at Ukina's group making her flinch when she saw how red his eyes were. Most of all, the coldness and hatred in them unnerved her...

"2nd platoon, tend to our wounded and keep the rest safe" ordered the blonde,

The troops in black colored uniforms moved in unison on those orders, with half of them separating into respective groups in one swift motion.

The ones that surrounded the dangerous blonde reloaded the weapons in their hands as he unleashed his sword.

Ukina felt courage flow through her and stepped forward to help her comrades only to be stopped by Captain Daisuke and the Jounin's that had now retreated towards their position.

"Let the Spartans handle this, child" advised the old Uzumaki in a compassionate voice,

"Daisuke, I never imagined the higher ups would deploy Spartans as our reinforcements. It seems the gods have not abandoned us yet" praised another veteran Jounin in relief,

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