Ino didn't know what to say to him as her attempt to make him feel better went horribly wrong.


She blinked when she heard him say that, realizing her confusion he blushed a little as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Minato birth name. Although it doesn't matter now since it is deleted from the records and apart from the Uzukage, everyone who knew me by that name is dead" confessed the Kiri commander, some sadness ever present in his voice.

"It's a good name" said Ino happily, which made him blink in surprise.

"Do you think so?" he asked, his surprise easy for her to witness.


Ino felt him extend her own hand and greet her own hand only this time the darkness she had felt growing inside of him had vanished and was replaced by a warm feeling. It reflected the way in which he smiled even brighter than the rays of the sun.

"Thank you"

"We may not have married willingly but over the years I have truly come to care about you, just as you have done the same, otherwise you wouldn't be so worried about my safety all the time. It doesn't matter how big or small the problem you are facing as I want you to share it with me just as I promise to do the same with you, for it is the only way we both can survive this cruel mission entrusted to us" explained Ino patiently,

"I understand...maybe if I had vented some of my anger with you before this mission, then I probably wouldn't have went into such a rage and caused unnecessary deaths. Forgive me, Ino" he apologized, as she shook her head.

"The past is full of regrets, the present full of is the future we must look to" she advised him sagely, earning a nod from him alongwith that bright smile.

"You're right" he agreed, making her smirk.

"I always am. After all, I am your wife" she teased him, yet his smiled never wavered.

"I am lucky man, then"

Ino blushed immensely at that compliment for it was the best one Naruto had given her over the years. In fact, this was the only time they had been so honest with each other and she liked it greatly.

She saw some of his sadness reappearing again as his attention was drawn towards the misery of Osaka's residents only for Ino to step in between and make him look at the youngest members of the 501st who were laughing and cheering as they prepared to go back home.

"Your actions protected those kids. You took it upon yourself to shoulder the darkness of this mission and risked your life to keep them safe. No matter what anyone says, in my eyes you are a remarkable commander under whom I and the rest of the 501st is glad to serve under. Never forget that" she warned him,

Naruto's gaze softened as he saw what she meant on watching most of the 501st safe and eagerly waiting to return home. This sight was the only good that came out of his actions...

He felt a warm body embracing him fully and his gaze softened even more as he saw Ino had hugged him.

The fatigue, pain and guilt of this mission started to wear off him as he felt her warm and radiant chakra which was so opposite to his own. He couldn't help but melt in that embrace wishing it would last just a little longer so he could enjoy this moment of peace in a life full of war and pain.

She didn't let go of him and embraced him even more fiercely which made a lone tear fall from his eyes as he returned the embrace whole heartedly.

Naruto was quite surprised to find Mei Terumi standing as one of the guards currently watching over Tobirama Senju, making sure the Hokage didn't escape or cause any unwanted harm, not that Tobirama looked to be in any such mood as he calmly sat at the docks watching as the Kiri shinobi were in the final stages of departing this ruined city.

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