You shouldn't be here.

That voice was one she knew very well and when her eyes opened again in a flash, it was then that she saw herself lying in her bedroom on their bed. She looked sideways and saw Naruto staring at her attentively.

He did not look pleased.

Ino flinched when she saw that they had coiled across each other quite intimately and one of her arms was wrapped tightly around his chest with her fingers resting over his heart.

She realized her mistake.

"Never do that again, Ino" he said calmly, but his disappointment and underlying anger was not missed by her as she ducked her head in shame.

"It happened by mistake. I am truly sorry for that and I won't let it happen again" she promised sincerely,

He looked at her for a few long moments gauging the worth of her promise before heaving a tired sigh and placed his hand over his face.

"It was my fault as well, I suppose. I underestimated the limits of your mind walking ability, next time I'll take proper measures to make sure this doesn't happen" he said outloud,

She could do nothing but nod her consent as she had unknowingly invaded his memories. Since both of them were deep asleep, their senses were extremely dulled and their close proximity allowed their powers to interact with each other.

It wouldn't have been so horrible had they been true husband and wife, but in truth they were operatives serving different nations with secrets of their own.

And she had just caught sight of one of his own.

"Was it true or a dream? The things that I saw" she whispered, her fear had not yet subsided and which was something that he didn't miss.

And yet he chose to remain silent, neither confirming or denying her question.

Instead, he disentangled himself from her gently and stepped towards the edge of the bed. He helped himself to a bottle of water lying at the table beside his side of the bed and silence ensued in their room.

Once he was done drinking his fill, he looked back towards her and gave her a much needed reassuring smile.

"It's alright" he said,

She remained silent but at peace as he got up from their bed and walked bare chested towards their wardrobe. A small smile came upon her lips as she thought about how they were strangers to each other in so many ways with their secrets and yet they both were kind to each other, considerate of how the other felt.

She could easily pretend to display such emotions with other people as she was trained to do so, but with Naruto those same feelings came to her naturally. She didn't have to pretend and could be herself with him, even if there existed a wide chasm between them, they both could understand each other.

She cared for him and in his own way he cared about her too.

Or that was what she herself believed for the other possibility seemed too harsh and cold.

She herself got out of their bed allowing her long and free blonde hair to float in the gentle breeze of the silent night. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and even his shorts which she liked and an action that always amused him. Even now he smiled on seeing her smirk.

Her gaze caught sight of the clock and that evaporated all her happy feelings.

"You guys are going to do it, aren't you?" she asked in a resigned voice, making him look at her.

"The orders have already been delivered by the Mizukage himself. You know I have no choice, besides I've wanted to do this for a long time" he confessed, as she stepped closer to him and placed her hand atop his.

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