"I thought the Valkyrie had all died gruesome deaths?"

Now angered by him, I rest my right foot on his chest, holding him down so he is unable to move but still able to breathe

"Choose your next words wisely"

I say to him knowing he will say something that will anger me

"I'm terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory"

He places his right hand on my forehead and everything goes black. I start to see a memory that took so long to bury deep in my mind

I and about a hundred other valkyries fly in on our pegasus with our swords drawn, ready to fight Hela, Odin's firstborn, the goddess of death. As we approached her, multiple of her swords flew toward us. Most of us were hit as well as our Pegasus. Luckily, only my pegasus was hit but I plunged to the ground. When I reached the ground, I saw multiple of my sisters dead on the ground pierced with Hela's swords. I grabbed mine and ran towards the goddess, ready to kill her. She threw one of her swords at me and a specific woman, my partner jumped in front of me. Hela's sword pierced her stomach and I fell backward onto the ground


I screamed as I was pulled out of my memories. I toppled to the ground, not sure what to do. The memory replaying in my mind over and over. That was the day I lost my lover and never recovered from it. I quickly got up from thee ground and kicked Loki to the ground. I punched him in the face, knocking him out in an instantly

Back on Asgard


I yelled out to my friend.

"What is it?"

"She's not too far from here. Hela is coming"

"She cannot get in. I am the only one who is able to open the gates"

"I don't think that will stop her"

He nods and starts to gather everyone. I start to panic, it had been centuries since I had seen the exiled princess of Asgard. The last time I saw her, wasn't pleasant. I was almost killed. The thought of her nearing only replayed those traumatic and morbid memories

"Asgard, she is here"

Heimdall announces to the people. Everyone starts to whisper around us. We all sneak out of the back and as we are out of the room, we can hear the gates collapsing to the ground

"She made it through, we must hurry to the Bifrost"

I say to the hundreds of Asgardians. We make out way down the mountain towards the Bifrost, hoping that Hela does not follow us

As time passes, we arrive on the Bifrost. We walk towards the end but Heimdall stops s as we hear a ferocious roar

"Tis Fenris. Heimdall we must go back"

We see Hela's beloved wolf run towards us. Everyone screams and turns around, running back towards the palace. As Fenris is running toward us, something starts to hit him but it does not matter. Now, Hela's undead army is approaching us. Luckily the guards are standing in front. they prepare to fight

"Heimall! The sword"

Skurge yells at us as Hela's undead army stands behind him. They soon start to run toward us. Heimdall draws hit sword as do I, ready to protect the people of Asgard. As they are dealing with this, Fenris starts running toward us from the other side

"Bloody hell"

I mutter. I raise my sword preparing to fight when something falls to the ground in front of the black wolf. Fenris sniffs it and then nudges it. Boring him, he charges toward us again. Heimdall and I share a look and we raise our swords. We get ready to fight the wolf but something pulls the black mutt back. Then a green person is revealed, the one who pulled Fenris back. They both start to fight which leaves us with eh undead guards. As we are fighting, a colorful spaceship crashes onto the Bifrost. I am kicked to the ground by one of the guards, seconds away from death when the soldier explodes and a rock person towers over me

"Hey, I'm Korg. This is miek. We're gonna jump on that spaceship and get out fo here. Wanna come?"

A huge ship appears out of the fog. the price of Asgard, standing on a platform

"Your savior is here"

"We are all going ot die"

I mumble to myself. He loves being a showoff at the worst time. Everyone runs twoards teh ship, desperately trying to get on. Loki walks towards Heimdall and I, Heimdall greeting him

"Welcome home, I saw you coming"

"Of course you did"

"You love showing off at the worst moments, don't you"

"What can I say, I love a great entrance"

Loki, Heimdall, the rock guy, and I raise our weapons and start to fight the undead guards that are charging at us. As we are fighting, lighting hits the palace which means one person. Thor. thor flies towards us. Landing and taking out many guards all at once. He makes his way towards us, fighting off more guards. As he does, lights start coming from the crashed ship. A woman walks out and when I lay my eyes on her, I gasp

"It can't be"

"Are you even helping us"

Loki yells at me. I shake my head and continue fighting the guards

Time has now passed and the battle is over. Everyone is now on the ship that Loki brought. I seek out the one who I loved in the past. When I spot her, I run toward her


"Sigrid, Is it really you?"

She asks me and I nod. Tears streaming down our chees as I jump into her arms and we kiss

"I thought you were dead. Hela's sword went right through your stomach. I saw you die"

"Somehow I survived and made it back into Asgard. I was healed, now only a scar remains"

"I still can't believe it"

We both kiss again, not wanting to pull away, missing this feeling after centuries.

"I love you Val"

"I love you too Sigrid"

We both kiss once more, valkyrie running her fingers through my hair just as she did before the incident. After centuries of us being apart, we were reunited once again

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