Chapter 5

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The time was now 7pm and the band was drunk to say the least, I on the other hand refused drinking for tonight, instead I sat on the couch next to John, reading through one of my book's.

"Y/N darling, put the book down, please, have some fun" Freddie pleaded through a groggy voice as he held out a Heineken for me.

"Not tonight Freddie, I wan't to get as much knowledge down about being an assistant manager as possible before tomorrows meeting with John Reid" I replied, waving off the idea of getting drunk.

Freddie pouted disappointed as he crawled over lazily to me and rested his chin on my knee's, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, "Y/N, stop stressing darling, you'll do fine, now pleaseeee".

"Freddie shove off, let her do what she want's" John said before taking another sip of his beer.

"You shove off" Freddie retorted, with a frown, earning a chuckle from me.

"Thank you John" I said with a nod before closing my book and standing up, "I think I'm gonna go to bed".

Freddie frowned again, "Already? it's still early" He complained.

"Well my flight took a toll on me, I'm tired" I replied, rolling my eyes in amusement.

"You're going to need to learn to keep up with the jet lag Y/N, or you'll never survive with us" Freddie reminded with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah yeah" I said before unzipping my suitcase, digging through it to find some pyjamas. "Dammit!" I cursed when all I could find was the three pairs of jeans I packed, along with the three dress shirts, not exactly sleep suitable. I groaned as I zipped my suitcase back up, displeased with my choice of not packing comfortable clothes for sleep.

"What's the matter?" Freddie asked.

I face palmed, "I didn't pack any pyjama's".

Freddie and Roger both began chuckling at this, making me shoot a glare to each of them.

"Really? you forgot to pack pyjamas's?" Freddie teased, making Roger chuckle even more.

"Shut up Freddie, I didn't think about it at the time" I said defensively.

Roger composed his chuckle, "It's fine, here you can borrow some of my clothes" He assured before standing up wobbly from the beers before disappearing into his room. 

Freddie gave me a cheeky wink, this didn't got unnoticed by Brian and John, who gave me a questioning look.

"Freddie!" I scolded, but he only shrugged innocently.

Brian and John still sat, waiting for an explanation, which I did not intend on giving, but it seemed Freddie had other plans.

Freddie leaned in closer to Brian and John, gesturing for them to lean in as well, which they did. "Y/N has a thing for drummers, well, one drummer if you want to be particular" He whispered.

"Get out of here, really? sweet Y/N has a thing for our Roger wolf?" Brian teased.

"Freddie!" I scowled, slapping his arm.

"It's okay Y/N, we aren't going to say anything, are we?" John assured before glaring at Freddie and Brian.

"Secret safe with us" Brian concurred.

I sneered at Freddie, "Remind me never to trust you again".

"Trust him with what?" Roger asked as he came back into the room, one of his band shirts hanging on his shoulder.

"Nothing, Freddie's just being a brat" I said quickly, brushing off the previous topic.

"Tell me something I don't know" Roger chuckled before passing me his shirt, "I hope this one is alright".

I took it from him with a grateful smile, "It's perfect, thank you".

Roger nodded before sitting back down next to Brian.

"Well, goodnight guy's, see you in the morning" I waved them off as I made my way into my room.

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