Chapter 26

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You lazily opened your eyes as you felt the warm bright sun shine inside the bedroom, you felt the beat of a healthy heart and the warmth of two arms wrapped around you, not to mention your own aching legs and back, and that's when you remembered the events of last night.

You shot up aghast as you realised Roger was the one beside you, completely naked under the sheets, as were you. You scrambled to your feet in shock, wrapping a blanket around yourself as you did so, as to cover your nude body. This awoke Roger.

"Well good morning to you too" Roger chuckled lazily.

"Oh god Roger.. did we really?.." You asked with worried eyes.

Roger frowned, "Shagged? Yeah, you were great by the way".

You slumped on the floor, the blanket still wrapped around you, "Oh my god, oh my god" You groaned, burying your head in your hands.

Roger shifted to sit up properly with a pout, "Did you not like it?.." he asked with a concerned tone.

You pulled your head quickly from your hands to meet his eyes, "No! I did! I loved it, I loved you- I mean.." you fumbled through your words, only making yourself feel like more of a fool.

Roger chuckled, "So whats the problem?".

"I just slept with my friends ex boyfriend that's the problem, oh god, this shouldn't have happened.." you rambled, feeling disgusted with yourself.

Roger slid out of bed before pulling on his boxers and pyjamas pants and coming to crouch beside you, "Exactly, my Ex, you did nothing wrong, Jo and I are done" he assured, stroking your hair as he spoke.

"It's still wrong Roger" You complained, and then another thought hit you, Conaway, "And Con! Oh god, I'm a cheater" you groaned, internally slapping yourself.

Roger wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close into his chest and resting his chin on your head, "The heart wants what the heart wants" he spoke softly.

"It doesn't change the fact that I practically betrayed my friend and cheated on Con" you replied.

He pulled away from you, grabbing your shoulders and levelling his face with yours, "Listen to me, you didn't betray Jo, she's your friend, she'll want what's best for you".

You dropped your head, sulking, "What about Con.."

"What about him? You guys aren't even dating" Roger replied.

"But I've strung him along for this long, it's still as bad as chea-" your words were cut off as Roger pressed his lips harshly against yours, kissing you passionately.

You melted into his lips, enjoying every second before he pulled away again, panting to catch his breathe before speaking, "Stop beating yourself up for god sake, you make me happy, and I make you happy right?" He questioned, though he already knew the answer.

You nodded sheepishly.

"Exactly, your only doing what makes you happy, and if they have a problem with it, then fuck them" Roger reassured, stroking your hair gently as he went.

You nodded in agreement, though you were still unsure as to whether what you and Roger were doing was right. However he could only smile at you, before leaning forward and kissing you again.


It was only the band and their girlfriends left in the house that morning, the rest of the party goers had already left by the time yourself and Roger finally emerged from the room. Brian, John, Freddie, Veronica, Chrissy and Mary all cheered teasingly as they took notice of Roger and you coming into the living room.

"Woohoo! There's the happy couple" Veronica exclaimed with a wide grin.

You rolled your eyes in amusement, "Not now you guys, my heads killing me" you groaned as you slumped on the couch beside Freddie where you rested your head on his shoulder lazily.

"Rog didn't go easy on you last night?" Brian teased.

"Shove off Brian" Roger chuckled, throwing a pillow at Brian's head.

You groaned quietly to yourself as you rubbed your thighs in an attempt to relieve the aching pain that was no doubt the aftermath of yours and Rogers night. John noticed you wince at the pain, making him chuckle.

"Bloody hell Rog, you've broken her!" John teased, gesturing to your pained legs.

"Fuck off John" Roger retorted with an amused eye roll.

"She's a fucking virgin Roger! She's not going to be walking for a couple days I can assure you that" Freddie joked.

Freddie's comment took everyone by complete surprise, as they all looked at you with wide eyes, including Roger.

"Freddie!" You scolded with a glare.

He threw up his arms innocently, "What? They don't know??".

You face palmed in embarrassment.

"You're a virgin Y/N?" John asked with perplexity.

You nodded sheepishly, scratching the back of your head at the same time.

"Fucking hell, I'm sorry I would've been more gentle if I'd known" Roger apologised with a guilty expression.

You shook your head reassuringly, "It's alright Roger".

Roger smirked at this.

"So this is really happening? You two?" Brian asked, raising a brow curiously.

You and Roger glanced at each other, searching for an answer, yet you were both unsure of how the other felt, so you remained silent.

Brian tilted his head, expectantly, Waiting for an answer that you didn't plan on giving.

"Is that a yes? Or a no?.." John questioned, who was obviously equally as curious as Brian.

"They will eventually, right now they're just young idiots who can't see something good for them when it's right in their face" Freddie replied, wrapping his arm around Mary as he said so.

You rolled your eyes at Freddie's answer, though you were unsure on whether he was correct, John and Brian seemed satisfied with what he said, and that was good enough for you.

"I'm going to make coffee, you all look like shit so I recommend you join me" Freddie advised with a cheeky grin.

John, Brian, Veronica and Chrissy all agreed, before standing up and following Freddie into the kitchen, leaving just you and Roger in the party room again.

You sat in silence for a minute or two before you heard Roger shuffling, making you glance to his direction. He sat beside you, resting his arm against the back of the couch and leaning down to your ear he spoke "Can we go shag again?".

Your cheeks become a bright red, taken aback for a second by his request before eventually he had won you over and off you both ran back to the bedroom.

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