Chapter 24

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"I think I'm going to break up with Jo.." Roger said, an unsure expression on his face as he spoke.

Your eyes widened with surprise.

"We've tried everything to make it work.. even shagging wont fix anything" He continued.

"Okay, look Roger you know I'm always here for you, but I'd rather not hear about your sex life" You said with a slight chuckle.

"Right, sorry" He apologised with a small smile "anyway, I wanted to get your opinion.. since you and Jo are close, am I doing the right thing?" He asked, his soft blue eyes melting intp your eyes as he awaited your answer.

You fumbled for a second, thinking about an answer "Well.. is it just your relationship issues that are the problem?.. or is there more you're not mentioning?" You asked gently, as to not trigger any sensitive topics.

He sighed, leaning back on his chair, "I don't love Jo the way I used to.. it's like my subconscious is telling me this relationship isn't the right one, like I'm not meant to be with Jo" he explained, a guilty expression across his face.

You frowned, leaning forward you took his hands up in yours, "Do whatever you feel is right, if you truly feel you don't have the same feelings for her anymore, tell her, don't string her along with false hope, but also don't make any rash decisions.. just follow your instincts" You said with a soft smile.

"My instincts are telling me I need a good shag" Roger mused with a chuckle.

You rolled your eyes, "you know what I mean, follow your heart, trust your gut, that sorta thing".

He nodded, "Thanks Y/N".

You gave him another smile, "Anytime Rog".

He grinned at your words, "You finally said it again".

You raised your brow, "Said what again?" You questioned with a confused look on your face.

"You called me by my nickname" He smirked.

"Simple mistake" You teased before getting up and leaving.


*1 Day Later*

You were sitting in the studio at Freddie's house, enjoying the calm melodies of the piano while you played. Freddie was throwing a party tonight and a lot of people were invited, he insisted you join and to dress in something 'astounding' as he referred. The party wasn't starting for another 6 hours so for the meantime you eased your nerves by using the grand piano as a distraction. Freddie was in his kitchen with Mary, whipping up different party foods, while Brian, John, Roger, Chrissy, Veronica and Jo would arrive later on this evening

Since your talk with Roger about Jo, you hadn't heard from him, whether he ended it with Jo or not you weren't entirely sure, though you were sure you'd find out soon enough.

"Darling, could you come here for a moment?" Freddie called from the other end of the house, his voice echoing through the large halls.

You pulled your fingers away from the ivory keys of the grand piano before pushing yourself up from your seat and made your way out of the studio. You allowed your eyes to flow across the long hallway walls which had been lined with numerous framed pictures, lots of them being of yourself and Queen in the early days. You smiled at each nostalgic picture you passed before finally turning the corner, where Freddie and Mary were busy at work in the kitchen.

"What'd you need, Fred?" You asked, leaning against the wall with your arms folded.

Freddie turned around once your voice reached his ears, he grinned, "We seem to be having trouble here and I have to set other preparations for the party, would you mind assisting Mary?".

You chuckled before pushing off the wall, "Of course, move aside" You instructed before taking Freddie's spot at the counter beside Mary.

"Thank you darling, I'll leave you lovely women to it" Freddie said before prancing out of the kitchen with an exuberant grin.

You rolled your eyes in amusement before turning to face Mary, "So, what do you want me to do, boss?" You asked.

She laughed, "Boss?".

You nodded.

"Well, we already have three dishes ready in the fridge, Red velvet cake, chocolate truffles and Raspberry Jelly, I can handle the baking if you want to start on the cooking?" She explained.

"Of course, what am I cooking?" You asked with an eager grin.

"A few pastries, sausage rolls and pies would be a great start" She suggested.

You gave her a nod, "I can do that", with that you turned and went into the pantry, digging through all of Freddie's different rolls and ingredients to start cooking.


5 hours into cooking and you were finally finished. You wiped the sweat off your forehead before heading into the bathroom to get cleaned up. On your way to the bathroom you ran into the boys and their girlfriends as they had just arrived and were coming through the front door.

"Well hello to you too" Brian teased as he took in your appearance, your once white shirt was now stained with various sauces, and cooking oil, while your hair was messy and sticky from sweat.

You smiled sheepishly, "We just finished preparing the food, I was just about to get cleaned up" You explained.

"Well, why don't Chrissy and I join you? parties starting soon and we simply cant have you in that state" Veronica exclaimed with delight, she was already dressed up and ready for the party, as was Chrissy.

You chuckled, "You don't have too".

Chrissy shook her head in objection, "We wan't too, now come on, we're going to make you look stunning" She exclaimed, taking your wrist and begun dragging you off down the hallway, not even giving you a chance to greet Roger who had just appeared through the door moments after you had been taken by Veronica and Chrissy.

Veronica ushered you onto the seat of the vanity in Mary's room with excitement. Chrissy had dashed off to grab her makeup bag from Brian, who had their bags in the car.

"So, what are my limits?" She asked, referring to how far she could go about your appearance.

You shrugged, "Do whatever you want, I don't mind".

A wide grin curled on her lips at your answer, "Let's start with your outfit while Chrissy gets her things, what are you wearing tonight?" She asked.

"I hadn't really planned that far ahead, I didn't exactly bring anything" You replied, scratching the back of your head in embarrassment.

"Well, your lucky I know you, I bought you something I saw while I was out shopping, I think it'll go marvellous with your eyes" Veronica exclaimed before also dashing off to retrieve the outfit from the car.

*15 minutes before the party begins*

"And I think we're done" Chrissy said as she did the last of your makeup before taking a step back to take in your finalised appearance.

Veronica had her hands cupped over her mouth, "You look absolutely gorgeous".

Chrissy then stepped back up to you, ushering you into the mirror to look at yourself. You wore a beautiful silver dress that had long sleeves that flared loosely at the end and a split down the side of your leg, revealing mid thigh and downwards. Your hair was straightened and left flowing over your shoulders neatly. Your heels were a matching silver to your dress, with elegant lace that tied around your ankles.

"You look absolutely astounding darling" Freddie said from the doorway, which had startled you, as no one had even noticed he was standing there, "And you're wearing his favourite colour" He added with a knowing smirk.

You looked at Veronica and Chrissy, who's expression's told you that was exactly their plan. You rolled your eyes in amusement before turning back to the mirror to take in your appearance one more time with a deep breathe.

"Come now, everyone's already here" Freddie said, extending his hand out for you to take, which you did with a soft grin.

𝑰 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝒀 𝑰𝑵 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 | Roger Taylor x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora