Chapter 7

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"You guy's that was awesome! You killed it" I exclaimed, pulling everyone into a group hug.

"Of course we did darling, we're royalty" Freddie replied before squirming out of the hug.

"I guess you sort of are" I agreed with a chuckle before pulling away from the hug.

"Now, back to the hotel for drinks" Freddie exclaimed.

As soon as we got back Freddie and Roger popped open the Heineken's, Brian and John taking it easy with water before they would also join in. 

"Y/N, have a drink with us" Freddie insisted, handing me a drink.

I gave him a sceptical look before giving in, "Okay, just a few".

"Whoo! Brian, John, you too" Freddie demanded, pushing a Heineken into their hands as well before turning on the radio and turning up the music, Elton John's Bennie and the jet's was playing. 

*3rd person now because writing in 1st person is hard*

By the time you had finished your first beer, Roger and Freddie had already downed back 5, so you could say they were getting tipsy. Roger was grinning as he looked you up and down, unbeknown to you, as you were fiddling with your rings that Freddie had gifted to you.

You didn't drink often in your life so you never developed a stomach for alcohol. Your maximum was five drinks before you would eventually start to feel drunk and sick, by this time however you'd already had eight and were greatly regretting your decision. You slumped onto the floor, leaning your back against the couch lazily, earning a snicker from Freddie and Roger, Freddie had initially predicted you would surpass your drinking limit, your drunken state always amused him.

"Shut up Freddie" You scowled, your words were staggered and groggy, difficult to understand.

Freddie threw up his hands innocently, "Roger laughed too!" He complained, pointing to Roger, who was still chuckling.

You rolled your eyes, "Like I said, shut up Freddie".

Freddie only winked with a teasing expression before turning to Roger who had stopped chuckling and suddenly started putting his brown leather boots on, earning questioning glances from everyone.

"Where you off to Rog?" Brian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nowhere" Roger replied before pulling on his coat and sliding his sun glasses on his head.

"Rog, now? really?" Brian said, an expectant yet disappointed expression on his face as he looked at Roger, who was steadying himself.

"Duty calls" Roger replied before making his way out of the hotel room, almost tripping over from the intoxication.

You had a frown on your face, disappointed Roger had just taken off when you were all celebrating.

"What do you think he's gone off to do?" John asked, glancing at each of you for an answer.

"You mean who" Freddie chuckled.

Your frown sunk into a sad expression as Freddie's words hit your ears.

"That's Rog for you, I suppose we should be use to it by now" Brian shrugged before turning to look at you, who still held a sad frown.

"We're sorry Y/N.. we didn't even think about it" John apologised, referring to your crush on Roger.

You waved it off, "It's fine guys".

"He's a dick, you can do better then him" Brian said, patting your shoulder in a failed attempt to make you feel better.

"Don't worry about it, really, its okay" You assured half-heartedly.

Freddie scooted to sit on the floor beside you, draping an arm over your shoulder and pulling you into him to kiss the top of your head, "We don't need him, we can still enjoy the evening" Freddie said before popping open another beer.

As sick as you were feeling, you were determined to take your mind off the jealousy and hurt you were feeling over Roger, who everyone suspected had gone off to shag one of his women like he normally did everyone now and then. 

You followed suit after Freddie, popping open another beer before raising your bottle above your head, "Cheer's" You said, clinking bottles with John, Brian and Freddie who had wide grins on their face.

The evening carried on like any typical drinking session, after an hour or so of continuous drinking, dancing and singing, everyone had zonked out, Brian sprawled across the floor, while John slept with his head rested on Brian's stomach. You were laying across the couch with your arm dangling over the edge, while Freddie was asleep at the table, his head rested in his arms.

Roger crept through the door, perplexed when he saw the four of you sprawled in various places in the living room, in a deep slumber. He grinned as he saw your arm hanging over the edge of the couch, moving over to your side and gently lifting your arm up to rest it across your stomach to prevent any blood to rush to your hand. 

You grumbled and shifted in your sleep as you felt the faint touch of Roger's fingers scrape against your wrist before turning on your side to get more comfortable. Roger let out the breath he was holding in as you shifted around, worried he might have woken you but now washed with relief as your eyes remained closed and your resting breath remained steady.

He quietly moved away from you, almost tripping over Brian and John as he made his way out of the living room and into his own room.

Your eyes flickered open as you heard the barely audible sound of his boots against the floor. Your vision was blurry for a second but soon adjusted to look down the hallway, where Roger's bedroom door was open, you could see him standing in front of his mirror, fixing his hair that had been messy from what you assumed was having a good shag. 

As your body adjusted to waking up, so did your stomach, which now hit you with a nauseous and dizzy feeling, making you gag. You sat yourself up from the couch, the sick feeling in your stomach growing even more prominent as you moved. You winced as the pain became worse and worse with each second, pressing a hand to your stomach to relieve some sort of pain before slowly hobbling over to the bathroom, without waking the boys or catching the attention of Roger.

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