Chapter 20

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The next morning you had errands to run, you got up earlier than everyone else, you wanted time to yourself for the day, to allow your mind to straighten itself out on the current situation. The only one who knew you were running errands was Brian as you were borrowing his car for the day, since you didn't have one.

You pulled on your leather jacket, grabbed Brian's keys and headed out the door. The sun was just beginning to rise as you made your way out of the hotel complex, people were already out and about preparing for the day, store owners flipping their "open" signs and marketers were setting up their stalls.

You jumped into the drivers seat of Brian's car, taking a deep breathe readying yourself for another day before turning the key and starting up the car. The engine revved as it started up, you hadn't driven in so long, you hadn't needed to, usually Roger would be the chauffeur for everyone, so it was nerve racking driving again after so long. You put your hand on the gear stick, shifting the car into first gear before slowly letting your foot off the clutch to take off and pull out of the car parks.


You pulled into the post shop car parks before stopping the car and hopping out. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your pants as you made your way into the post shop. An older lady was standing behind the counter, serving a tall man in front of you. You stood behind him waiting your turn, he must not have been aware you were there because he turned around and bumped into you, causing his handful of envelopes to fall onto the floor.

"Oh pardon my clumsiness" He apologised to you.

"No that one's on me, I shouldn't have stood right behind you" You replied reassuringly before crouching down to pick up the envelopes off the floor for him.

"Thank you" He said with a warm smile as you handed him his envelopes.

"It's no problem" You shrugged, returning the smile.

He stood there a while longer, looking you up and down before speaking again, "I'm Conoway" He introduced himself, extending his hand to shake.

"Y/N" You replied, taking his hand up.

He looked at the car keys in your other hand, directing the logo on the keys to the Brian's car parked in the parking lot, he pointed to it "That your ride?" He asked.

You followed his finger, seeing that he was talking about Brian's Mercedes 280SL. You shook your head, "No, it's my friends, I don't have a car so he let me borrow his".

Conoway's expression became that of intrigue, "Oh, well I'm sure you wont rely on your friends car forever?" he asked.

"No definitely not, I'll have to get one eventually, when I can afford it" You replied with a shrug.

Conoway smiled, "I happen to be a car salesman myself, I could get you a good deal if you were interested?" He offered with the most politest of tones.

You were unsure of his motives however, your father had warned you about these sorts of things, if it sounds to good to be true, it most likely is. "Why on earth would you want to do that for me?" you questioned suspiciously.

This time Conoway was the one shrugging, "Gives me an excuse to see you again" He admitted, scratching the back of his neck as he spoke.

This caught you off guard, making your heart jump suddenly, you fumbled unable to form words. He noticed this, chuckling he pulled a small piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket before jotting something down on it and passing it to you.

"I know it's sudden so I'm not going to be a prick and force anything onto you, but if you change your mind, here's my number" Conoway said with a sweet smile before stepping past you and disappearing out of the post shop.

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