chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

Carina pressed her lips firmly together, why would they need them back at the temple? "Well, we're in a bit of a sticky situation here, Ahsoka."

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, "Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable... but we've been calling for help."

Ahsoka tilted her head slightly, "Master Yoda hadn't heard from you, so he sent me to deliver the message."

Anakin turned around as he let out a harsh sigh, "Oh great. They don't even know we're in trouble."

Ahsoka thought for a moment before suggesting, "Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped me off."

Carina hummed as she shared a glance with Anakin, her eyes lingering on his for a moment longer before she turned back to the young padawan, "Brilliant idea."

Carina had her brows knitted together as the Captain spoke to them, "We're under attack
by Separatist warships but I'll try to make contact with the Jedi Temple for you. Stand by."

The group of four stood around the table, awaiting a call from the temple as not even a minute later, a hologram of Yoda appeared.

"Master Kenobi, glad Ahsoka found you, I am."

Obi-Wan clasped his hands together as he spoke up, "Master Yoda, we are trapped here,
and vastly outnumbered. We are in no position to go anywhere or do anything. Our support ships have all been destroyed."

Master Yoda's hologram began to break up, "Send reinforcements to you, we will—"

The transmission began to crack up before all communication deceased, "Master Yoda?" Carina spoke before letting out a sigh before getting in contact with the main ship, "We've lost the transmission, General. We have to leave orbit immediately. More enemy ships have just arrived. We'll get back to you as soon as we can."

The transmission shut off and Anakin glanced between Carina and Obi-Wan, "Well, I guess we'll have to hold out a little longer."

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement before turning his attention over to Ahsoka, "My apologies, young one. It's time for a proper introduction."

The young padawan smiled, "I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano."

Master Kenobi gave the girl a smile, "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, your new master."

Ahsoka awkwardly smiled in response, "I'm at your service, Master Kenobi... but I'm afraid I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker." the girl pointed at Anakin.

Carina's brows shut up in a mix of shock and amusement as Anakin blinked rapidly, not quite sure if he had heard the young girl right, "What? No, no, no. There must be some mistake." The blonde Jedi gestured towards Kenobi, "He's the one who wanted the padawan."

Carina gave her lover a look as Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest, "No, Master Yoda was very specific. I'm assigned to Anakin Skywalker, and he is to supervise my Jedi training."

Anakin gaped at the young girl, "But that doesn't make any sense."

Carina patted the blondes shoulder encouragingly, "Maybe take the opportunity."

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