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"Thank you for taking responsibility as the father," Kei said rubbing her hands on Kervyn's knees, he pushed her hands away irritated by her proximity. He only thought about Mara, who had not spoken to him since they arrived Newyork. 

"Stop calling me that, I know we had sex several times but for once I want you to know the truth Kei, when we get to the hospital, I will get the result and we will see what happens next...Have I made myself clear?" He scored her. She didn't say a thing after that, which kervyn appreciated. The car finally stopped by the entrance of the hospital, ending Kervyn's inconvenience, Kei waited for him to open her door but he walked out, she ran out and walked behind him grumbling to the front office. The nurses directed him to the first door by the left. 

"Morning Doctor Tayler!" Kervyn said as he opened the doors. Kervyn's hand, welcoming him in for a seat. She turned to see Kei and gave kervyn a questioning look. 

"What brings you here, kervyn?" Tayler asked drawing a file on her table... 

"Uhh... this is Kei and Uhm, we are here to check the DNA of the child she carries" Kervyn stammered. Tayler looked at Kei and then down at her stomach and smiled weirdly. 

"Alright, Kei please can you follow me for your test." Tayler stood up with Kei walking behind her to the other room at the right... Kervyn sat there in silence praying the child doesn't belong to him.  His phone popped up, it was a text from Maltida, she is requesting his presence at the office. He dialled her number, it rang three times before she picked it up. 

"Hi Maltida, what does Mr Boheman request?" He asked placing his palm on the table. 
~ " He demands his 7 million that the part of the company owes him." He sighed. 

"Put him on my schedule for an appointment tomorrow... I am busy at the moment." 
~ " Ok sir! I will do that at once... Bye!" He ended the call and dropped his phone in frustration. 

Kei walked into the room with a smile and Tayler behind her. They both sat down and looked at Kervyn. 

"What?" He asked
~ " I just took her test, and I, .... will send the result to you tonight." Tayler informed them.  Kei remained quiet throughout the conversation. As Kei and Kervyn walked out of Taylor's office, she called Kervyn for a minute. 

"Kervyn! Does Mara know about this?" She asked and kervyn nod his head. "Watch out for Kei, especially when Mara is in the picture, I do not trust Kei... and seeing you and Mara together just for this short time, makes you so lucky to have her as your wife. " Tayler patted his shoulders before hugging him.
~ " Thank you, Tayler, I will do as you have said and I will let Mara know that you said hi." 

On the drive back home after dropping Kei off, kervyn's thought is filled with the unborn child and Mara's reaction when she finds out who the father is. 
   As kervyn drove into his estate he heard the sounds of sirens, ahead was an ambulance and the police cars. He ran out of his car immediately and ran to the police. 

" Stay back Mr Orlov!" One of the officers pushed him gently. 
~ " I want to see my wife... What is wrong?" He asked moving the police officer from his way. He ran into the house and saw Papeey run down the stairs. 

"Where is mara, Papeey?" He asked her as soon as she ran to his front. 
~ " She locked herself in all day, I haven't seen her but I heard her cry out in pain and talk to herself like someone was in there... with her"  Papeey cried. Kervyn ran up the stairs banging at the door but Mara didn't answer. 

"Mara! Please open the door." He begged but she didn't answer. He banged at the door one more time but she didn't answer. " Mara, please open the door, it is Kervyn... your husband..." He begged but she didn't still answer. He pushed down the door violently and the sight of mara stabbing herself constantly made him break down, he rushed to her side but stopped when she pointed the knife at him. 

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