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Kervyn opens his eyes slightly at the unfamiliar looks and design of his room, had Kei changed the designs of his room because she never liked the color themes of my house?  He looks to his side, there were two ladies dressed in red and had funny-looking makeup on their faces, he grabbed his shirt from the floor, buttoned it up, and wore his jean quickly. He checked the time on his phone, it read 9:40 AM! SHIT! Had he slept this long in a strip club dressing room? He smiled at the weird ladies before walking out of the door. He stood outside the club to make a call. 

"Hello! Gedeon! Send for my driver, I am still at the club..." He ended the call and thought about last night. That Damsel left me in distress no girl has ever ordered me before, had sex with me before, and leave me. She just committed a great offense, who is she? Oh shit! My watch! Where is it? He runs back into the building, back to the room in search of it. It was not on the table and neither on the floor nor"who had taken it?"  Searching the whole room, he thought for a moment and looked up to see a security camera. He calls for Duchess. "I would like to see the security footage of the room down the hall." He said. 

"Something of mine is missing  and I would like to watch the security footage to see if anyone had picked it."  Duchess looked at him at first and smiled at the thought of Mara's performance last night with him.  "Here are the footage of last night!" She said playing back the videos. 

"Stop!" He says, when he sees the girl, the golden girl he had made things intimate with last night picks up his watch."   "Where is she?" He asked looking at Duchess demandingly. 

"She only works at night shift." Kervyn exhales, "Where does she live?"  Duchess stared at him with surprise. " Five blocks away, close to the subway."  Kervyn runs out of the room and out the club doors. His car and his driver were by the street. He hops into the car and orders his driver to drive straight to his quarters.

          "Boss! Are you alright?" Gedeon walked to Kervyn at the parking lot. " The flash drive has been stolen!..." Kervyn roared angrily, looking at Dima and Demyan who walked towards them. 
"Stolen?...Do you have any suspects?" Dima asked.  [SIGHS]  "It is the Girl of last night, that is what the footage says." Kervyn says looking at his men evenly.  "So what should we do boss?" Gedeon growled with a deep voice, ready to kill. " Find the girl and bring her to me at once," Kervyn instructed his men before signaling his driver to take him to his mansion. Dima, Demyan, and Gedeon hop into their cars in search of the girl and the flash drive.


"Are you saying, two ladies are living in this apartment?" Gedeon asked the landlord who had been interrupted from his yoga. "...Uh! I think!" He said, picking his nose.  "You think? Do you not know who stays in an apartment you own...? anyway, Gedeon, Dima let's go check the room." The landlord tries to stop them but Dima points a gun at his head.  Demyan knocks three times but there was no response, Gedeon knocked the wooden cracked door to the ground, revealing a self-contained room, messed up, with clothes thrown on the floor, shoes on the bed, and food wraps on the table. "Never knew New york's golden girl is this messy" Dima Laughed. 

"Check everywhere for the drive... every closet, clothes, shoes, and bags..." Gedeon says to Dima and Demyan.


"Hello Boss, we are at her apartment... yes! Dima and Demyan are searching the whole room...No, but she isn't there...Yes, boss, we will track her down as soon as possible." [ENDS THE CALL]  "Gedeon, the flash drive isn't here, I guess she had a clue she will be on a chase, that's why she took it along with her...!" Dima said tossing one of Mara's wigs to the floor.

FIFTY SHADES OF THE NUN.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang