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[A month later]

" Hello? Mr Orlov..." Xiomara's maid called kervyn. 
- "Hello Papeey, Is everything alright? And how is my wife?" Kervyn asked sarcastically, looking around his office room, He was in a meeting and he had to ask of his wife because people watched him and if he calls her by her name, they would think they were quarrelling.

"Oh... no sir, Mrs Mara is not at home and I have checked the whole house," Papeey said afraid. 
[SIGHS] "Miss, Papeey, did you check her room?" He asked looking at the men watching him at the round table.
- "Yes sir, she isn't there." 

"What about the painting room?" He asked, smiling at the men who watched him make a call.
- "She isn't there, I checked everywhere in the building and she is nowhere to be found. I asked the guards if they had seen her leave the house, but they said no... What should I do?" She asked.

"Hmmm, Give me five minutes, I will come to the mansion immediately." He ended the call and looked at the men who held no expression on their faces but a questionable look.

"I am sorry for the commotion but this meeting has come to an end, I want to attend to family matters... Thank you." He stood up from his desk and picked up his papers and files back to his office as he makes a call for his driver.

"Hello, Dima, Send for my driver immediately ." 



Xiomara was back at the club, she wasn't motivated by the homestay in the mafia's house, she wanted entertainment and that she found in the club. Duchess welcomed her with a big hug, she had told her that three months earlier, three men were in search of her and other men who had come to the club for entertainment missed her performances, but Mara smiled. She wasn't willing to go back to the stripper life but still being the wife of a mafia and the wealthiest man in new york city was tiresome. But look at the bright side of it, she is back and running both ways. 

"Mara-quin, they want you." One of the dancers, perhaps new to the club said.
- "Oh thank you..." Mara put on her costume, a short satin red dress with jewel chains on her thighs. She walked out the door to the stage, closing her mind from the thought of an angry Husband when she gets home or an unexpected punishment waiting for her by the door. She danced with passion around the pole, climbing the top of the pole like she always did, she did a sexy turn before sliding down the pole to a slit. She was enjoying this for the first time in two years. 
     As the song changed to a slow, demanding tune, the beats moved with her body and her moves. This night was different from every other night, a night she would remember, dancing all her pains and worries away and not submitting to her master but rather doing what she wants. The dim light of the room finally rested above her as a spotlight of her show. Not long before the spotlight moved its way to the entrance of the door. There, he was. Her husband with a tired and angry look on his face. She could see the monstrous face behind those tired eyes and she knew she was the cause of it. She continued dancing, moving her hips to the rhythm of the music ut her eyes never stopped staring at her husband who walked in quietly and fast. He reached the bottom of the stage and called for her but she wanted this night to be fun, so she kept on teasing him. Mara pulled a man from the side of the stage and sat gently on his thighs, kissing and grinding him, she watched as Kervyn's hands turned into a fist and a mad look on his face as he stared at the guy under her. Kervyn climbed up the stage, not wanting to make a scene, he called her quietly with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"What you doing? Let's go home." He whispered to her ears.
~ "What am I doing? what are you doing here? I am having so much fun Kervyn, what do you think, I am tired of your dull and lonely mansion, I want something entertaining. " She laughed.

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