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 SATIN & SINS was not the type of strip club you will see men and ladies of low standard but, it's a club where men of high status spend their money and time on pleasurable entertainment.
         The exterior of the building is painted in red and grey themes, Clashing and mid-rich, while the neon lights hang outside and inside of the structure, the pink and white lights attracting drunken men and desired humans to the den. The women who danced and displayed their exploits were mostly the norms for every other day and night show at the club, except for two or one girls, who were the diamonds of the club. Xiomara Cortez, Mara-Quin, was the youngest dancer there, and she was addressed as the Golden Girl, men of high seats in the country pay handsomely for her entertainment. She was younger than the looks she faked, It wasn't that she wanted to be a stripper, but to be able to survive this noisy, expensive, and bustling city. She had to do things she detested for survival in this wild world.

      At satin's and sins, most of the men didn't care as much about the women but the table trades at night, but this night was different from every other night. The aura in the club tonight held so much tension and was unspoken. Mara was seated in front of the vanity mirror, rubbing foundation and dark eyeshadows that made her look smoky hot, and different from her normal self. She had come to this club seeking shelter and help two years after fleeing her family in Columbia, things had been tough for her. Newyork is the only place she had known and hidden her true self from her past nightmares. Tonight she was to seat in the dressing room while the other girls take their lead on the stage. Staring at her imitated figure on the steamy glass nailed to the wall spoke a different story, but her mind held the true stories.
      [DOOR OPENS]
  "Mara-quin! Duchess calls you" One of the girls said from the door. Staring back at the mirror, one last time before walking out of the room. I walked to one of the wooden doors in the hall before knocking quietly. The bell rang, calling me to walk in, duchess was seated by the dresser, dressed in a white suit, corporately, she was big. She was generally called mother because she took us in as daughters.  "You called me, mother?" I said standing by the door with my back slammed to the door. She raised her fingers reaching for me, I walked slowly and stopped two feet away from where she was seated.
"Closer!" She ordered. I walked Immediately but she patted the space of the couch she was seated on, I took a deep breath before sitting by her side.    "[SIGHS] You would be going solo tonight..." She said, combing my curls with her long fingers.  " But..." She stopped me with a finger to my lips.   "I have a guest! A man of noble Status, he is a man of no humor and would not like to be questioned. So you will wear something delicate tonight... the angel devil costume and do what you like to do best..." She said patting me by the shoulders. "[INHALES] Ok ma," I said before walking back into the red light hall.

      Mara-quin danced on stage, twisting and twirling around the strip pole, dark and lustful eyes drooled at her, as she climbed the pole and then twirled back down. Her dress showed off her toned sexy legs and round butt, while the drug dealers continued with their deals. She twisted and whined, boredly and her night had just been rampaged. There were several girls serving drinks and liquor to open tables with groups of men discussing business. While motorcycles discussed the transportation of cocaine and low-level mafia argued price and bet on things hidden in the big world.

The lighting in the room was dim everywhere except for the stage. One group had walked in while she lapped dance to one of the men in the front seat and she couldn't help but study them. They looked dead rich, gold was written all over them. One of the men, the one at the front, had a series of tattoos drawn from the top of his left arm to his wrist. One will think of him as a serial killer but his handsome face hid the truth. People think those that have tattoos are psycho freaks but Mara sees them as somehow cool. She'd gotten a cougar drawing on her neck with shadows, she also had another tattooed drawing on her sleeves, an Asian tiger with shadows trailed to her fingers, most people saw it as a form of art or disgust, which she didn't care about.   The guy from the group that had just walked in earlier stared at her like he could see her secrets and disguise in these hot girl look. It made her provoked, how he looked at her carefully with those grey icy eyes. She slid down the pole with one hand and her body swirling around like a disco ball. She lit on the lighter she had with her, and threw it to the floor, it burned up, transforming the angel costume she had on exposing the sexy devil dress. She felt hot but sick in her gut. The lust in the eyes of the men shimmered at her transformation. The pleasure and desire of sex and nasty things the men wished for made her think of her terrible past. It came washing back to her, but not this night. This night she would do her best and walk out of this club, whole with her cash.
         The table of men that had just walked in called up to her, demanding her service. She wasn't up for more dance tonight but the involvement of money to things dirty for her. She could do anything for an extra tip. She walked down the stage in her silver shimmering heels, passed the other men, and down to the table at the center. His eyes were glued to her, she could feel the heat in her cheeks, and the aura around him intimidated her.  She locked eyes with him for a moment, then looked at the other men at the table, and then tore her gaze away. His face held domination. One of the men at the table called to her, getting her attention, she leaned over, with her butt in the air, visible for every man to see, through her short dress. 

FIFTY SHADES OF THE NUN.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें