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"So your hair returns to curls when you get them wet? Wow that's so cool" Dima complimented Mara, they were seated by the pool, in the cabana. Mara watched as Demyan and Gedeon threw the beach ball at each other. They were at the beach for a vacation, it was  Mara's birthday and Kervyn wanted to make her day special so he brought her to a beach in the Bahamas. Even though she wasn't a fan of swimming she loved laying beside the beachside. She could feel the hot sand beneath her feet, hot and creamy to her legs. Kervyn was not to be seen, Mara looked around in search of Kervyn, but she couldn't find him.

"Do you know where Kervyn is?" She asked ignoring Dima's question. He looked around and stared at his phone for a while before answering her.
 ~ "He went out! To pick some stuff back at the Hotel." Dima answered.
~ "Hmm I see, well I just want to go back to my room and pick up some stuff, you know like... Suncream and my glasses." She stood up and took one of the beach carts dropping her off by the hotel doors. She paid them a dollar for the ride. She walked through the hall and used her keys to open the locks on the door before walking into the room. She looked around her room and picked up her suncream and glasses before knocking at the adjacent door by her bedside, it was a door that led to Kervyn's room. He insisted that they stay in the same room but she refused it, she was against it because she wasn't ready for another night cuddle with him. She was worried about their intimacy. Mara knocked on the door repeatedly but there was no answer. So she twisted the doorknob in faith, and to her greatest dismay, it was open. She walked in but it was empty, she tried calling but she realized his phone was on the lampstand. She picked it up and groaned in frustration. Tired of the whole drama, she laid flat on his bed and took in the scent of Kervyn's scent on bedclothes. It reminded her of the grasses at night.  She was so drawn into the scent and thought of nature and its pleasure when the sound of Kervyn's phone notification rings out loud. She turned to pick up the phone. She was about to drop it back when she saw the chat of a lady pop up on his phone. She shuffled up from the bed and knelt on the bed going through his chat. She finally stopped at the chat that had just popped up, it was a chat from Kei. She wondered who this Kei was, was it her friend or someone else.? She thought anyone could bear the same name as her friend. Opening the chat she read the recent one she had just sent.

"We need to talk Kervyn...It is very important... I wanted to tell you this the night at the balcony but," Mara stopped reading and looked out the window. She didn't know he had seen any other lady that night at the party, was this the reason he was tensed up that night? She continued reading the chats.

"I am pregnant!..." Mara threw her hand to her mouth, she blocked the thought of Kervyn having another child with someone else. She read the remaining of the chat slowly.

"And the baby is yours! Let us meet up somewhere, your wife doesn't have to know about it, I am at the cafe by the Bahamas beach." Mara dropped his phone to the floor, the tears now dropping down her eyes. Why did she think she would change him? He is a mafia of the dreadful gang in New York City and she thought he could love her the way she wanted to be loved. She picked up his phone, left it on the same chat screen, and placed it on his bed, on top of his pillow. She arranged the rumpled bed and walked through the door, banging it with a loud sound. She changed her beach dress into something light and clean. A black crop top with her beach shorts. She picked up her phone and took the hotel cab back to the beach. 

Storming through the entrance of the beach, she was stopped by a crowd.

"Surprise! Happy birthday Mara!" She jumped up in fear. Looking around the crowd of people, she saw a smiling Dima, a goofy Demyan, Grumpy but teasing smile Gedeon, the other people were people she met at gatherings she went to with kervyn. By the end of the room she spot a smiling Kervyn, she closed her eyes and breathe in the chats she had seen not long ago. She pushed it behind her and walked through the crowd, stopping at his front.

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