this was a mistake

Start from the beginning

She takes her hand and gets pulled away from the couch. Downing the remnants of whatever drink she had in the red solo cup, Lisa follows Jennie upstairs to the empty bedroom.


Lisa wakes up feeling a bit nauseated, These goddamn hangovers, and attempts to get up from the bed. The moment she stood up, she could feel the contents of her stomach rising up to her throat.

She tries to make a run for the bathroom until she realizes that the house she's in isn't even her's. Originally she thought she was at Jackson's spare bedroom but this one is way too organized and empty to be his-granted, his apartment isn't even messy, but this one is a whole other level. Swallowing the bile back down, she tries to look for her things. She finds her loose, ankle-cut beige pants and black sweater folded neatly on a chair nearby, with her shoes underneath it.

Though not vivid, she had a general idea of what happened the night before. Something about confrontation with Jennie, then taking Jackson's spare room, then deciding to leave the party in general and going to Jennie's flat. She doesn't even remember what the confrontation was about if she was being honest. Lisa looks down at herself before putting on her sweater to see if any marks were left. Seeing none found, she breathes out a sigh of relief. Of all things to be caught with, hickeys left by the girl was not one of them. Although no physical marks, Lisa does feel awfully sore.

After identifying where the rest of her belongings were, she makes her way out of the bedroom. This apartment is so clean and sterile, hospitals would be impressed, she thinks, noting the lack of decoration aside from your typical minimalist-esque decor. Arriving at the small living room area, she smells the faint scent of food to the left of the living room.

"Uh, hey?" Lisa calls out, hoping she can get Jennie's attention. It's not like Lisa has much experience with one night stands other than maybe one or two her freshman year of college. Can you really blame her for her terrible social skills? Seriously, how else are you supposed to greet the person you supposedly hate after having a one night stand with them?

"Hey?" Are you kidding me, is that seriously all you got? What is wrong with yo- Her train of thought was interrupted when Jennie rounds the corner and gives Lisa a once over. She's not used to seeing Jennie wearing something as casual as an oversized sweatshirt and shorts. Her legs are really nice I can give her tha-

"There's pancakes on the table. I made coffee if you want, but after breakfast I want you out of my sight." Ouch, Lisa thinks, physically flinching at the curt words from the taller woman. Jennie walks back into the kitchen, a silent indicator for her to follow.

The kitchen, much like the rest of the apartment, is devoid of any decor. Unsurprising of her. She goes past the small opening that connects the kitchen to the dining room and sits at the set table opposite to Jennie.

She stares at the other woman, contemplating if she should even strike up a conversation. What would she even start with?

"Fair weather we're having, don't you think?"

"Last night was crazy, wanna do it again?"

Granted, the second one would probably make things worse. She continues to pick at the pancakes, eating a small forkful here and there. After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, Lisa finally finishes her plate of food and her mug of coffee.

She stands up, clears her throat, and thanks Jennie for her hospitality.

"Thanks for the breakfast, appreciate it," she says quickly, wanting to get out of there as fast as she can. She pats her front pockets to make sure her car keys and phone are there. Doing a final once-over to make sure she had everything, Lisa hastily grabs the door handle and bolts. As she goes down the hallway, takes a turn for the elevators to go to the lobby, and exits the apartment complex, she realizes that she literally has no mode of transportation back to her place.

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