Night Stroll

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During the car ride to the temple, Gojo proceeded to tell you about his recent overseas trip.

'How does he do it?' You wondered while staring at him.

"...the animals there aren't held in zoos like over here. You see, there are cities & towns where people live and then there are savannahs and wilderness where the wildlife run free, without the disturbances of humans. It's sooo cool." He said cheerfully.

'How is he so carefree?'

He was telling you about the African country he visited for his mission, but you weren't paying attention. You don't even remember the name if the country he was going on and on about.

"...and then Yuta-kun was really happy, but Miguel-" He stopped talking and stared at you.

'The way he spoke to that woman, it was like-'

"You're not listening." He whined.

"Hmm? O-oh sorry I got distracted." You admitted.

"Are you not comfortable with me going to the grave with you? Because if you're not, we don't have to go." He said with a soft smile.

"No, it's not that, I just got lost in my thoughts." You replied.


"So anyways, you can continue." You told him.

He proceeded to tell you his stories, until you arrived at your destination.


"All done." The old lady said after adjusting your kanzashi.

(A/N: Kanzashi are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles)

"Cheer up madam..." She placed her hand on your cheek, "...a life missed by the living, is a life that was well lived."

"Thank you." You smiled sadly.

You walked out of your room and heard the tv playing loudly.

'Is he done getting ready?' You wondered as you entered the living room.

He was dressed in house clothes.

"N-Naoya, you're not dressed yet?"

"Hmm?" He turned to you, "Dressed for what?"

"The grave visit." You replied.

"Grave visit?" He scratched the back of his head, "I was wondering why you didn't go to work today...I'm not going."

" said that you would accompany me this year." You told him trying not to sound upset.

"I know what I said, but I'm tired and don't feel like going. I'll go with you next year." He picked up the remote and started channel surfing.

"T-that's what you said last year and the year before that." You said with a sad grimace.

"Ugh...I just came back from a mission and I'm tired." He rolled his eyes.

"Y-you came back three days ago a-and you've been going out every nigh-"

"Why the fuck are you being so selfish?! I'm telling you that I'm tired and you're insisting with this shit?!" He snapped.

"I-I'm sorry, please d-don't get mad." You said, shrinking your body in fear.

"Stop acting like that fucking grave won't be there next year. Why the fuck do you even want me to go with you huh?!"

"I-I just want you to come with me, j-just this once." You responded as your throat tightened.

"Ok, lets say I come with you and then what do I do there?"

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