Unspoken Fear

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You went about your day as usual.

One thing that going out with Gojo had taught you, was that his 'around 7pm' probably meant 8pm or later.

Since it was going to be some place fancy, you put in extra effort in your appearance.

You had just finished doing your hair and make up when a knock on the door interrupted your preparations.

'What the heck? He's too early.' You thought as you read the time.

*Knock, knock!*

"Who is it?"

*Knock, knock!*

You moved closer to the door.

"Who is it?" You asked again.

There was no response.

"Sigh...Satoru you should really-"

You froze when you saw the person standing in front of you.

"Hey [Y/n], can we talk?" The man asked in a humble tone.

"Wha-what are you doing here Tadako?" You asked shocked.

"I'm here to talk to you."

Fear began to creep inside of you, as you started skimming through your yard for shadows.

"Don't worry, Master Naoya isn't here. I came alone." He said noticing your uneasiness.

'Master?' You wondered.

"Can I come in?"

"No!" You glowered.

"Ok I deserve that..." He said scratching the back of his head, "...[Y/n] I-"


"I will, but please just hear me out first." He pleaded.

"No, leave now!" You hissed.

"That night in Roppongi, I didn't know that he was going to hurt you. He told me that he just wanted to talk to you and-"

"I said leave Tadako!"

"[Y/n] plea-" You slammed the door and locked it.

The audacity of this man to show up at your door step months later to try and 'talk'.

You stomped back to your room, but froze on your tracks when you realized something, then ran back to the door. Tadako was walking out of your yard.

"Wait!" You called out.

He stopped and began walking back.

"Does he know...that I live here?" You asked anxiously.

"No, I didn't tell him."

"Don't come any closer!" You ordered.

He stopped a few feet away from you.

"...how do I know that you're not lying?" You asked clenching your fists.

"If he knew, then he would've already been here."

He was right, Naoya wouldn't have wasted any time to come by and drag you back.

"How-how do you know Naoya?" You stammered.

"I met him in a club one night. He was drunk and kept on talking about how his girlfriend left him without even saying a word. I felt bad for him so I sat and listened, until he pulled out a picture and showed it to me. I was surprised that it was you, so I told him I knew who you were and I could set up a meeting for the two of you to talk things out. But I didn't know that he was going to assault you, nor that you were already involved with 'the' Gojo Satoru. I thought that I was helping your relationship with Naoya, but I-"

Be a Good Girl [Gojo Satoru x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ