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Gojo didn't stop by your office for the rest of the week. Something about him getting a new student who ate a finger and now is Sukuna's new vessel.

You weren't really well informed about the situation, because the higher ups were keeping it under wraps and only certain people knew what was really going on.

It was a very busy week for you and you were exhausted when Friday came. When you got home after work, you took a shower, ate instant ramen and went to bed early because you honestly didn't have energy to do anything else.


You felt amazing when you woke up in the morning.

'I guess my body just needed a good night sleep.' You thought reaching for your phone on the nightstand.

[New Message]

You thought the text was from Tadako the guy from the cafe but when you opened it, your heart sank into your stomach and your throat tighten.

Sender: Unknown

[Did you really think you could run from me? I'll make you regret defying me you useless bitch.]

You knew exactly who the text was from.

'Oh god how did he get my new number?' You thought as you climbed off your bed and went to look out the window.

You made sure that all your windows and doors were locked before you came back to your room.

"Does he know where I am?" You asked as you read the text over and over trying to analyze it.

"No, if he knew then he wouldn't have texted. He would have just showed up...shit!" Your whole body was shaking in fear because you knew what would happen to you if he found you.

"Calm down [Y/n]." You said taking a deep breath.

'There's no guarantee that he won't get a hold of my number again even if I change it. Plus, everyone from work already has this number, it will be an inconvenience if I keep on changing numbers.' You thought before reading the text again.

Although you weren't sure how he got your new number, you were certain that he didn't know where you were living or where you worked. So you blocked the number.

You were too scared and shaken up to go outside, so you stayed in your house with doors locked and curtains shut.

*Hours later*

'What time is it?' You thought laying on your bed reaching for your phone.

It was almost 3pm, although you woke up at 6am, you haven't had any breakfast yet, nor have you washed up for that matter.

"Shit...what am I doing?" You asked as you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom.

"Don't ever let fear control your life, always do what's best for you." You said looking in the mirror.

"That's right! How could I forget Nanami's wise words from that day..." You smiled  "...pull yourself together [Y/n], you're better than this."

You gave yourself a pep talk trying to make yourself feel better and it was working, but deep down inside you were scared. You never wanted to go back to that hell you escaped from.

"He can't hurt you anymore." You whispered.


After washing up, getting dressed and eating a yogurt, you decided that for dinner you'd make teriyaki chicken with vegetable tempura & rice. And castella (Japanese sponge cake) for dessert.

Be a Good Girl [Gojo Satoru x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat