Lonely Cries

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"I'm home." You said while trying to massage a pounding headache away.

"Madam, why are you home so early?" The servant asked surprised.

"I wasn't feeling well, so I come home early." You replied closing your eyes.

"Oh that's uhm...not good." She said.

"Yeah, where's Naoya?" You asked opening your eyes.

Naoya was an arrogant handsome young man with small sharp eyes and light-colored hair accented with dark tips. He wore two earrings on the top of his left ear.

"U-uhm...the master is busy!" She replied twitching nervously.

"O-okay." You said suspiciously while making your way to his room.

Even though you and Naoya where dating and lived together, he refused to share a room with you.

"Miss please wait! The master is very busy, you shouldn't-."

You opened his door, ignoring her.

"-disturb him..." She finished saying.

You were met with the sight of Naoya in bed with another woman. Your eyes widened in shock and your heart sank to your stomach.

"You useless servant! Didn't I tell you not to let anyone disturb me!" He growled at her, ignoring you.

"I'm sorry master, please forgive me." She said fearfully bowing her head.

"Tch! And you, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna leave?" He asked looking at you.

The sight left you in so much shock that you weren't able to respond.

"What a stupid bitch...get her out of here!" He said in a commanding tone.

The servant quickly closed his door and led you to your room.

You sat there, unable to process what you had just seen.

Hot streams began to flow down your face and you covered your face with shaking hands.

"How could he do this to me?" You cried.

After a full 20 minutes of sobbing, you got up and started packing your clothes.

'I just can't, I cant do this anymore.' You thought while the tears continued to fall.

"What do you think you're doing and why haven't you started with dinner yet?" Naoya asked while leaning on the door frame with his arms folded.

You were startled, since you didn't hear him open the door.

"I'm leaving Naoya...I-I can't do this anymore." You told him.

"I'm the only person who gives a damn about you, so where will you go, huh?" He asked in a threatening tone.

"I don't care if you're the only one who cares, I'm done with you!" You yelled as more tears began to fall.

"How could you do this to-"

Naoya's open palm landed on your cheek causing you to fall back. Your face stung and your head felt as though it would split in two.

"Who the fuck do you think you're yelling at bitch?!" He asked angrily.

The slap left you stunned, but instead of more tears welling up in your eyes, you got angry and glared up at him.

That pissed him off even more, that he sent you flying with a kick to the gut.

You protected the back of your head before your body hit the wall.

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