Episode 15: How the Other Half Lives

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Sarge is running up a hill, but everything around him is dull

Sarge: (with a slight echo) Hello? ... Hello? I said hello? Hello, is anybody out here?

Church: (with a slight echo) Holy cow, would you stop yelling? I'm here.

Church runs up to Sarge.

Sarge: What is this place?

Church: Well, that's.. kinda hard to explain. Um... You were shot in the head, buddy. So, here ya are.

Sarge: Am I dead?

Church: Are you dead? Well, yeah, that's how I ended up here.

Sarge: Are you some kinda angel?

Church: (chuckling) Aheh heh heh.. am I an angel. Uh, (clears throat) yeah, actually, I am. I'm an angel. Um, do you wanna go to Heaven? 'Cause it's, like, ten bucks to get in.

Sarge: Well I, uh, I didn't really bring any.. I mean, my wallet's back in the car.

Church: Hey, you don't have it there, huh? Well uh.. that's too bad. Pretty crappy reason to be damned to Hell for an eternity.

Sarge: I don't remember dyin'.

Church: Yeah, that's my fault too. I was... sort of possessing your body at the time that you were shot. Sorry about that.

Sarge: Hold on a second, that ain't fair.

Church: Not fair? Yeah, join the frickin' club. I got shot by my own tank.

Sheila appears behind and is aiming at Church.

Sheila: Target locked.

Church: Oh ha ha, very funny Sheila. Shut up. You know I still haven't forgiven you. I didn't say you could talk to me yet. Go there, g-get, go over by the base. Shoo, shoo!

Sheila lowers her turret and drives off.

Cut to the Reds over Sarge's body in the real world.

Grif: Sarge! Don't you give up on me soldier, do you hear me? I'm ordering you!

Mateo: I'm sorry to tell you this, Grif, but Sarge is dead.

In the "Dead World."

Sarge: Who is that? Who's there?

Church: Looks like your guys are trying to save you.

In the real world

Grif: (hitting Sarge in the chest with his gun) You gotta breathe, man! You gotta pull through! Come on, Sarge!

Mateo: Grif, CPR is not gonna revive him. He got shot in the head and you're not performing CPR right!

In the "Dead World."

Sarge: That is not the way you were trained to do that, Private!

Church: He can't hear you.

In the real world with the Reds

Simmons: Guys, this isn't working. We have to try something else.

In the "Dead World."

Church: If he gives you mouth to mouth, I'm leaving.

In the real world with the Reds

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