"I'm practicing"

"well then, you may continue" She looked away from him, trying to conceal her awkward expression. She didn't believe she actually just said that.

"oh, we're here" Yura exclaimed, pointing at her apartment complex the second it came into view.

"aw, the conversation was just getting good"

"I know" Yura showed a satirical pouty expression before turning her personality 180 and flicking him on the forehead.

"again?" He said with a straight face while touching the spot she flicked.

"yes, again" They both chuckled simultaneously.

"get home safe Ji"

"Ji?" he asked in confusion to the nickname.

"yeah, Ji, you didn't hear me the other day.

"Oh, I must've not"

"see you later" Yura grinned and closed the car door, heading towards the door. As she turned back to look at his car, she noticed he was still there and she motioned for him to leave while smiling.

He finally complied and Yura entered her apartment, all happy. This deal was better than she thought.

. . .

"oh, Jisoo! Where were you" Seungcheol exclaimed rather sternly as Jisoo opened the door to the dorms and was met with his 12 co-members, staring deep into his soul.

"uh . . . hey?"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE DATING YURA!?" exclaimed Seungkwan, running up the the awkwardly standing Joshua.

"I- well, we wanted to keep it a secret," He said, not believing that he was playing into their suspicions. Well, they'd see the headlines soon enough and this helped him in the short run. In this case, he'd rather admit the truth which was really a lie.

He hung his coat on a rack and sat himself on the floor. He knew he couldn't avoid their questions, so he might as well answer them all here and now.

"Wait you're seriously dating her? I thought the article was fake news." Questioned Wonwoo who was sitting on the couch along with the entirety of the vocal unit except for Seungkwan. The rest of the members were either standing or sitting on the floor, slightly distancing themselves from Jisoo so that they could properly interrogate him.

"Yeah same, you both didn't look like you had met each other when she came over a few days ago?" Added soonyoung, therefore stretching out the questions.

"We pretended we didn't. She didn't know I was in seventeen though since I never talked about it. That's why we talked alone that day." He said, successfully using his fast thinking to craft a backstory which really had little to no truth in it.

"Wai- "

"I'm going to go to bed you guys, I'm really tired." Jisoo said, cutting off Mingyu and speed-walking to his solo dorm room.

As soon as he left, all eyes turned to the youngest of the bunch.

"Chan, you okay?" Asked Seventeen's leader, wondering how Chan was coping with the news of his co-member dating his best friend. Anyone would be a bit frazzled had they experienced the same.

"But she said..." Chan muttered, his sentence falling off at the end.

"Dang, that must be touch channie" Minghao bluntly stated before walking off to the kitchen.

Chan gave no response. He was lost in thought as he stared at the uninteresting floor, rethinking all of his life choices. He wasn't in the right mind to even move an inch.

. . .


Today on August 12th, Pledis released an announcement at 1pm regarding Dispatch's recent article exposing Joshua of Seventeen. The announcement reads,

Hello, this is PLEDIS Entertainment,

We would like to clarify the news regarding our idol Hong Joshua of seventeen, and artist Min Yura's relation. We do confirm that the two are in a relationship. They have been dating since 2018, and we ask for your support for the two on their behalf. Thank you.

As you can tell, the two have been confirmed to be in a relationship! We are excited to see more of the couple in the future and wish the absolute best for them both. What are your thoughts on this situation? Let us know is the comments below.



𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙜.𝙅𝙞_𝙨𝙤𝙤 I am kinda bummed Shua is in a relationship,
but i'm also happy that he's happy, and am excited for him.

1828𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙩82 i hope they're happy

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