Secret Love Song -- Present Mic x Y/n x Mirio

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a sequel to the previous story, PRESENT MIC X Y/N X MIRIO

Present Mic x Y/n x Mirio

Part 1

"Secret Love Song"

"Secret Love Song"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

*8 years later...

            "Mirio, are you sure about the blind fold? I hate surprises, you know that", I said as I gripped on his hand, leading me to wherever he meant to. It was our 4th Anniversary as a couple. The other four years of taking it slow, after ending my romance with Present Mic, might have been a little harsh, but it was worth it, because I got to know him more and more and we got to have some fun times with being friends, before moving to the next level.

            He had a surprise waiting for me, as he said on the text, he sent me while I was in the hospital, tending to patients. "Seriously, if I trip, I will smack you in the face. You won't even have the time to use your quirk", I demanded. What I hate about surprises, are blindfolds, because if I can't see anything, anxiety starts building up. "I'll guide you, we're almost there", he said as he pulled me closer to his side, his hand wrapped around my waist. "Here we are", he took the blindfold off and I was in a garden somewhere. A table for two, food on a long table, some peaceful music and beautiful flowers and designs everywhere. Butterflies were flying, it was so beautiful. I was in a paradise, the Sakura tree surrounding us were so majestic. "Happy Birthday, Y/n", that's what the surprise was all about, and just now, I had remembered that my birthday, was the day I said yes and became his girlfriend. Right! My birthday was today. I had forgotten. I was so busy with tending to patients; medical work was exhausting that I had forgotten about my own birth. He smiled so happily as I stared at him in disbelief. "Mirio, this is... this is amazing. I- I don't know what to say", I was stunned, too stunned to speak as I walked around, looking at all the preparations done. "Just say yes", he said as I continued to turn around, looking at the view. "What?", I covered my mouth, turning to face him. He got down on one knee and took out a small box from his pocket. He looked like he was about to cry.

            "Y/n", he started and hearing him say my name, was all I needed, to know the answer he was about to question me. I knew, from then on, that I wanted him and nothing more. "Will you make me the happiest man here on earth?", he asked and tears started falling out of both our eyes. I couldn't stop my tears. "YES!", I shouted and ran to kneel with him as I hugged him. We laughed. And then, he inserts the ring into my ring finger, fitting perfectly and I was the happiest girl in the world. I was indeed happy. It was everything I ever wanted and more. "I love you, Y/n, so so much", he said, cupping my face. "I love you, too", I replied and he kissed me. I kissed him back and we embraced one another.

            After the dinner celebration, I couldn't stop myself from telling my friends about the news. Nejire was so happy for me as well as Amajiki. We celebrated the news the day after my birthday and it was so fun. It was the happiest. Three days passed and the news reached everywhere, announcing that the hero, Lemillion, was engaged to me. The media bombarded me with questions as they waited outside the hospital. "HEY!", someone shouted and all of the media's attention were turned to the man that screamed. "RUN, Y/N", he told me and I complied, running away, turning around into a corner and hid. Luckily no one saw where I went.

            "Must be exhausting", he said to me and I turned around slowly, knowing well, whose voice that was. "Hizashi? HIZASHI!", I ran to hug him, jumping on him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, carrying me, his arms wrapped around my waist as he lifted me up. It has been seven and a half years, since I saw him personally. "Wow! Should I say, you've grown?", he was still the same joker, the same Hizashi I loved. "Don't you dare", I teased and he puts me down. "How have you been?", I wanted to catch up with him, because it has been so long since I last saw him and he hasn't even change, one bit. "You! How have you been? How's life being engaged to a pro hero?", he asked and I showed him my ring. "Isn't it fantastic! Oh, I want to tell you everything, but I've got to run. Mirio and I made dinner reservations", I didn't want to keep Mirio waiting. My husband-to-be. "Why not tell me all about it, some other time", he proposed and I squealed in happiness, taking up his offer. "Do you still live in the same penthouse apartment?", I asked and he nodded. "Well then, I'll come by", I said and bid him farewell.


            "I saw Present Mic today", I said, shoving a spoonful of crab soup that I ordered. "Really? Wow, it's been years, since we graduated", Mirio said and I nodded at his response as I drank my wine. "He saved me from a mob of strangers, questioning me what's it like being engaged to Lemillion", I teased him as I kicked his leg, Mirio twitching at the contact. "I'm sorry. I was too excited and so I told Midoriya, then Eri-chan and then, Aizawa-sensei, which would only mean that he told Yamada-sensei and then so on", he rambled and she giggled. Honestly, she didn't mind if the whole world knows, but she was only bothered by the media constantly bothering her with questions and waiting for her outside of the hospital. "That's fine, babe. I don't mind", I said to him, putting my hand atop his, calming him down. "Oh, right. By the way, I kind of told Present Mic that I'd hang out with him, catch up for lost time. Would you mind if I go?", I asked him, awaiting his answer. This was something I liked in our relationship. The communication we have, was something I never had with anyone, not even Yamada Hizashi. It was always a deep conversation with Togata Mirio and therefore, I am very thankful for him. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind. I trust you and I love you and I don't want you feeling like I'm holding you back", he said, smiling. "Who says you're holding me back? It even feels like I'm the one holding you back", I said to him, retracting my hand as I continued to eat my food. "What do you mean?", he questioned and I tilted my head, raising an eyebrow. "You turned down the offer in America, saying you want to work in Centipeder's Agency. But I know it was only a part of it and I know I'm the whole reason why you're staying here in the first place", I smirked at him, a little disappointed that he'd hold himself back just for me. "First of all, I declined the offer, because I really want to work in Sir Nighteye's Agency, it's where I basically grew up, okay? And second of all, I love you too much to even leave you alone here and I wouldn't want you moving just because I'm moving. Maybe we can do the whole long-distance thing, but I won't survive in missing you. So better to stay here in Japan where my heart lies", he playfully pouted, looking at me with baby eyes, before smiling so widely. "Fine. I believe you", I said, raising my shoulders as I giggled and we continued with our date night.

            The night ended with us being in our big master bedroom, inside our penthouse apartment, that we bought together. It was a mutual decision, but when it came to the design, we argued for hours, ending up in angry sex and then argued again. As I said before, the night ended with us being in our big master bedroom, naked and panting as I laid on his chest, his hand smoothly grazing my hair. "Now you have really made me tired and sour", I groaned as I kissed his bare chest and moved to my side of the bed, facing the left side of the room. Mirio embraced me, wrapping my body underneath his arm as he intertwined his fingers with mine, taking in my scent as he laid half his face on my bare back. "You smell nice", he mumbled, his hot breath, sending shivers all over my body. "Thank you, Togata-san", I smiled, eyes closed. "You're most welcome, future Mrs. Togata", he teased, planting kisses on my back. I shook him off, giggling and loving the sound of my name, ending in his surname. Y/n Togata. Surely has a nice ring to it.

            Mirio sighed deeply, as we both went to a peaceful sleep, under the covers of the bed we made ours. I don't want this to end.

ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ: ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ sʜᴏʀᴛs "ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs x ʏ/ɴ"Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα