Chapter 29: Guess Who?

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Russetfur's POV

I watched him go away. I took all of my strength not to run and drag him back, Nightstar coughed and Runningnose brought him back to his den.

Fernshade went over to Wolfstep who had just came back from a patrol. I went look for Ratpaw, I had to clear things up with him.

I finally spotted him chating to the new apprentice Rowanpaw. "Ratpaw may I speak with you please?" Rowanpaw walked away, "Ratpaw that was very rude turning away from your father like that."

He rolled his eyes, "I don't care."

Anger prickled underneath my pelt, "You better drop that attiude" I hissed, "Why should I, I don't know Blackfoot!" He hissed back.

"Blackfoot is your father Ratpaw and he loves you, your his son and you should love him too!" I loomed over him.

He looked nervous and I backed away, "Please give Blackfoot a chance to be your father, it hurts him knowing you hate him."

Ratpaw looked at his paws, "I don't hate him, I just don't like him much."

I licked his ear, "Give him a chance."

Blackfoot's POV

We got back and I laid down and thought of my parents. At my mother, who loved me, nuzzled me when I was lonely or scared as a kit. And my father…

Archeye who fought for his right to be my father, who protected me when Blizzardwing attacked me. At least I knew they were in StarClan.

My thoughts went to Ratpaw. Would he ever like me? I hope so.

Tigerclaw came up to me, "Your daughter looks a lot like you" he said. I chuckled, "She has her mother's eyes."

He left and I closed my eyes, soon enough sleep consumed me.


I felt a cool breeze on my fur, a shiver past down my spine. I opened my eyes and jumped up unsheathing my claws.

I was in the Dark Forest!

No way I couldn't believe it. How didbI get here? I don't want to be here.

"Guess who?" A female voice whispered in my ear. It was the voice that has been talking in my head.

I turned around and a ginger-and-white she-cat walked out.

"Mapleshade!" I snarled.

"Blackfoot" she gave a twisted grin.

"What are you doing here? Why have you been helping me!" She flicked her ear, "Because, I realized I'm sorry."

I blinked, "Sorry for what?"

"Trying to kill your mate, and for hurting you, but since you survied it means your strong."

I straightened, she didn't know I died, she thinks I survied her blow to my neck back all those moons ago.

"And since you are alive, I will free you from oath…" she said reaching her paw out.

She is lying, she is lying, is she?

"What's in it for you?" I asked.

Mapleshade flicked her tail, "I will free you from my oath but… I wish to give one of your kits a blessing."

I unsheathed my claws, "Never! Stay away from my kits, I'll keep my oath but if you ever come near my kits or Russetfur I'll kill you!"

Her eyes darkened, "Fine, I Mapleshade warrior of the Dark Forest curse this cat!"

Before I knew what was happened, my body froze with pain, like I was paralized.

"I curse you Blackfoot, from now until your death, your life will be filled with pain, greif and Hatred!"

I gasped and she disappered alone with this nightmare.

                    *End of Dream*

I gasped and jumped up, Tigerclaw was sleeping beside me, he began to stir, "What's wrong?" He asked sleepily.

"Nothing, just a dream" he went back to sleep. I laid back down, Snag was on my other side and his head touched my foreleg. I laid my head.

I should have kept my mouth shut, now I'm stuck with a curse.


I had to bring her back for this chapter I won't make her appear anymore. But three chapters in one day, a few more and this series will be done. I won't make a 4th book.

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