Chapter 16: Aftermath

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Blackfoot's POV

I sat in the den, my wounds were taking long to heal, and we didn't have Clawface to help us.


I missed him so bad.

Tangleburr, Stumpytail and I ran back here. Mowgli and Snag were waiting for us with Romana. They were horrified when I told them Clawface died. Stumpytail was devestated.

Boulder joined us afterwards, he had deep wounds like me.

Brokenstar never came back. I was alright with that. I hoped that ThunderClan killed him.

Snag and Mowgli stayed with us to help. They caught prey, and brought water and herbs for us. We were thankful for their help. Romana stayed by my side.

Tangleburr was chating quietly to Boulder, Snag was taking a nap while Mowgli was outside keeping watch. Stumpytail was lying down in a corner.

I walked over to him and sat down. He did nothing. "You know I remember this one time, we went to battle against WindClan, I got pinned down by this great warrior named Wildwind" I started.

"He had one paw pushing me into the ground, and one paw holdng my paws down. He went to bite at my throat but Clawface came out of no where and knocked him off me. He sent that WindClan warrior running fire his life."

Stumpytail looked at me, "My point is, Clawface was a great cat, he'll be honored in our hearts. Even in ShadowClan."

Stumpytail gave a small smile, "Thank you Blackfoot" he said quietly.

Romana laid down beside me. Her head reached the top of my shoulder now, almost to my neck. But she was still friendly.

I decided I could let her outside for a bit.

"Romana come" I said.

She followed me outside, and I grabbed a stick. We headed to our usual spot. I laid down and threw the stick.

Like always Romana brought back and I threw it again. She retrived it. About the fourth time I did this. She brought it back.

My head was on my paws. Even though I told Stumpytail not to worry I was. He killed a Medicine Cat.

That means he could by chance be in the Dark Forest. Stuck with Mapleshade and and the other cats.

He wouldn't deserve that. None of us would. Brokenstar did though I wanted him dead.

Romana barked, I looked at her, "Romana, I have some bad news to tell you."

She laid down beside me looking up, "Clawface, the brown scarred cat... he's not coming back." Romana looked confused.

"Clawface…died the other day, we'll never see him again" My eyes started to water.

Romana licked my tears away, I smiled and rested my head on her neck. She pushed up at nuzzle me.

I guess if you raise a dog from a baby it'll trust you. I wish all dogs were like Romana I thought.

"Come Let's hunt" I got up and she followed me barking.

I looked up to the sky, Shadow, if you can hear me please don't let Clawface be in the Dark Forest...

Unknown's POV

I hid in the thick bushes pulling branches closer to me to hide my fur. Half of my fur was black and great with cover but the other half was white.

I had to make sure no one saw me.

In front of me there was a white tom. He had big black paws and his ears were lined black as well.

He seemed to be talking to someone, but who. I shifted around carefully so he won't hear me.

As I moved beside him I could see brown-and-white fur. Finally when I was able to see the other cat to my suprise it wasn't a cat.

It was a dog.

"Come let's go hunt" he said as he got up. The dog followed him barking. The tom stopped to look at the sky then walked away.

I cat that looks after a dog… Scourge will be very intrested about this…


O_O unknown cat is a stalker!!! Lol Let's play a game... guess who the cat is before the next few chapters. He's black-and-white, close to Scourge if you've read The Darkest Hour or The Rise Of Scourge then you'll know who he is. If you still don't know…then I'll tell you :-)

Sorry the aftermath is so short. Poor Clawface. Also I was looking into the warriors wiki and it says Clawface did go to the Dark Forest but I never saw or heard of him there in Omen Of The Stars… so in my story he goes to StarClan… DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!

Mystery cat and Scourge belong to Erin hunter… another hint.

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