Chapter 6: New Home

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Blackfoot's POV


I looked back at my friends behind me, "Just wait" I whispered.

We were by a Thunderpath, looking for a better place to sleep. I waited until the last Monster past.

"Now!" He yelled and we ran across, Brokenstar at the back.

Once we got across I made sure everyone was with me. Boulder, Stumpytail, Clawface, Tangleburr and Brokenstar.

"Alright let's keep moving" I said.

We went past kittypets who ran away and some rouges who told us to go away.

Throughout the day we traveled but we just couldn't find a place.

After a while I thought for a moment, "Maybe we should try making our home instead of finding."

"What do you mean?" Stumpytail asked.

"Well if we find a old tree or something we can build a den."

The gang agreed with me and we back tracked to find something.

Finally we found a fallen tree next to a large hill, near the forest.

"Here we go" I said.

"If we did out a den, the tree can protect us from weather, and we live right by a stream."

"This is perfect" Tangleburr rubbed a against me.

"Yea" Clawface agreed.

"Let's get started" Stumpytail said and started digging.

Brokenstar did nothing but watch.

Blackfoot helped dig out a den. Tangleburr went looking for moss for bedding.

And when the moon was up, we had our new home.

Exausted we fell asleep quickly.


I stretched and waited for some StarClan cat to appear. I dreamed stuff like this for so long I knew what to do.

As usual Shadow and Moon Shadow walked out.

"Hey Blackfoot" she said.

I didn't say anything.

"We've been watching you, your doing well surviving."

I did nothing.

She sighed, "Alright I've brought you here cause I want to show you something."

"What else is new" I shook my head.

"You shouldn't talk to Shadow like that" A high-pitched voice said to me.

A very tiny white-and-black she-kit walked out. She had bright amber eyes, but she looked like a newborn kit.

"Who are you" I asked.

She wobbled up to me, "My name is Frostykit, I'm your daughter."


… All will be revalled in the next chapter sorry I left you with this

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