Chapter 18: Getting Clawface Back

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Blackfoot's POV

"Tangleburr?" I walked up to the gray-and-brown she-cat.

She lifted her head, "What is it Blackfoot?"

"We need to talk."

Fear flash through her eyes but she said nothing. We headed to our old home. I sat down and she did too.

"W-what do you want to talk about?" She asked her voice shakened a bit.

I gently rested my paw on hers, she looked up at me in suprise, "I know you love me, and I only think of you as a friend, but now that Clawface is dead, and Brokenstar is gone were the only ones left."

She nodded, "There's only you me Boulder and Stumpytail now" I took my paw off.

"We need to stay together" she agreed.

I smiled, good at least now there should be no awkwardness between us now.

She looked up at me, "I wish we could have a burial for Clawface" she whispered.

I nodded, "I wonder where they put his body?"

We walked back to The den were Boulder was waiting for us, "Where were you two?" He asked.

"Just talking about Clawface" Tangleburr said.

Boulder nodded the perked up "Oh I just remembered something!" He said.


"Two ThunderClan apprentices buried him in their territory I was going to tell you!"

"Do you know where they buried him?" I asked.

He nodded.

If we can unbury Clawface then we can bring him somewhere for a proper burial!

"Show us!" I ordered.

Boulder looked nervous, "But we'll be in ThunderClan territoy."

I hissed, "I don't care! I'm bringing my best friend back!"

Tangleburr nodded, "I'm with you!"

Stumpytail walked out with Mowgli and Snag, who were obviously listening in, "So are we!"

I looked at Boulder, after a moment he sighed defeated, "Fine, I'll show you."

When we reached ThunderClan territory, I let Boulder take the lead, "Show us were he is Boulder."

Slowly and cauiously we wandered through ThunderClan until we got to a grave.

"He was buried here."

Snag crept up and looked at me, "I'll help you dig him out."

"Thank you."

We began to dig him out, Stumpytail watched carefully while Tangleburr wrapped her tail around him.

Finally my claws reached fur, Snag and I began to brush the dirt off, and sure enough it was him.

Thank StarClan he hadn't began decoposing and he didn't smell, but the scent of Death reaked his body.

Gently I pulled him out of the hole, and dragged him onto the ground, his brown fur was dull and the gash in his throat was sealed up from the dirt.

We all sat in silence greiving for our friend.

Mowgli was the one who broke the silence, "Where are we going to bury him?"

Stumpytail, who was crouching with his father looked up at me, "What about just outside of ShadowClan tertitory?"

"Yes, he was a ShadowClan warrior, so he will be buried with his clan" I bent down and grabbed his scruff.


"Yes Stumpytail?"

"He was my father…I want to carry him" he looked up at me with green eyes. He took after both Clawface and my old mentor Rowanberry.

"Of course" I lifted him onto his son's shoulders.

"What about the hole?" Boulder asked.

"ThunderClan can fill it in" I snarled.

We headed off to ShadowClan. Once we were on the border, Stumpytail laid him down.

"Were do we bury him?"

Tangleburr looked around, "I'm not sure-"


I twisted around to a bush in ShadowClan were someone called my name.

"Who's there?!" I called.

But I knew who it was... I knew that voice since birth.

A gray-and-white she-cat walked out, her green eyes sparkled with happiness.

Hollyflower… my mother.

"It IS you!" She cried and ran towards me.

I embraced her and dug my face into her long fur that always kept me warm during Leaf-Bare.

"What are you doing here? What are you all doing here?"

I pulled back and she finally saw Clawface's body.


"Were giving him a proper burial" Mowgli said.

I nodded to him, "Who are you?" My mother asked.

"This is Mowgli and Snag their our friends."

Hollyflower looked at a tree inside the tertitory, "You can bury him over here, you won't get caught."

I brightened, we took him over the border, Tangleburr and Mowgli dug out a nice grave, Stumptail push Clawface in the hole and we all covered it with dirt.

Hollyflower, Snag and I all found some rocks to put over top of him, finally Stumputail found a flower to put over his grave.

We all sat in silence.

Tangleburr looked at me and mouthed, say something!

I looked back at the grave, and stood up, "Clawface was one of ShadowClan's greatest warriors, he was my best friend, but not only that, he was a father to two warriors and a mate to a very lucky She-cat."

"When I became deputy, I promised myself that when I became leader, he would be my deputy, I trusted my life with him, may he walked with StarClan forever, and watch over us until we join our clanmates in StarClan" I sat back down.

Hollyflower's tail brushed my back, I turned to her, "That was great."

I smiled, "Hollyflower we need to go, before someone catches us."

She nodded, "Stay safe my son."


There now we had a good funarel for Clawface, UNLIKE THUNDETCLAN DID!!!! Anyways sorry I took a while, but it's up now. The next Chapter will be in Russetfur's POV of Hollyflower coming back and showing them the grave.

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