Chapter 33: Nine Lives

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Moons Later

Blackfoot's POV

I laid in my new den. The leaders den. Tigerstar was dead now, ripped apart by Scourge the BloodClan leader, he brought him into the forest to defeat LionClan but Scourge turned on him and ripped his nine lives away. RiverClan and ShadowClan joined LionClan and Firestar killed him. We lost many cats including Fernshade.

My dear sister...

Littlecloud came in to my den, "Blackfoot are your wounds alright?" I checked my side the wound was almost healed, "Yea I'm fine." He nodded then gave me some herbs, "Give them to the cats that need them the most" I pushed them away. Littlecloud blinked, "Their Traveling Herbs, their for the journey to the High Stones, Runningnose is ready to take you."

I completely forgot.

"Oh...right, I'll be right there" I lapped up the herbs ignoring the bitter taste, as I walked out Russetfur ran up to me "Take care" she whispered. "Russetfur can I asked you something?" She nodded, "Will you be my deputy?" "What?" I licked her head, "I want my deputy to be a cat I trust with my life, that cat is you."

Her eyes watered, "Of course I'll be your deputy." Runningnose was waiting for me and we left.

By the time we got to the Highstones the moon was shining in the sky, "When you go in, touch your nose to the Moonstone and StarClan will grant you a sleep." He looked at me, "What is StarClan doesn't?" I asked. He frowned the shook his head, "They will, now go!"

I slowly walked through the dark tunnel, I knew where to go, I was once here as an apprentice, I reached the Moonstone and It glowed from the Moonlight. I did as Runningnose told me and touched the stone, soon I was in a deep sleep.


When I woke up I was In StarClan. I've been here so many times but it was still always beautiful. But I was in a diffrent place, fog surrounded my paws. Where are the StarClan cats? Will they give me my nine lives?

A moment later cats began to appear, there were so many of them, warriors kits, apprentices and Elders. I could see Crowtail, Rowanberry, Brightflower, Volepaw, Mossypaw and... Saphire! She did make it to StarClan! She looked so happy. Out of them all Raggedstar stepped forward.

"Greetings Blackfoot, are you ready to recive your Nine lives?" I nodded though my paws were shaking with fear. Raggedstar touched my forhead with his nose, "With this life I give you Faith, have faith in yourself but also have faith in you Clamates." My fur bristled and a sharp stab of pain hit me. Raggedstar backed away and Nightstar came forward.

"Nightstar" I purred, "Hello Blackfoot, With this life I give you Courage, you will need it to help rebuild ShadowClan." My body racked and my mind ingulfed with the urge to do anything to protect ShadowClan. Is this what courage is? Nightstar stepped back and I gasped for air. I didn't know lives were painful to recive!

I panted but froze as the next cat stepped forward, it was Hollyflower! She gently licked my forhead then began, "With this life I give you a Mother's love, there is nothing more ferice then a mother." I gritted my teeth to hold in a yowl as the life past through my body. I could feel myself snarling and raging at anything that dared hurt ShadowClan's kits. I never knew a mother was that protective over kits, that must be how Russetfur feels over our kits. Hollyflower pulled away, "Be strong my son, I love you."

My brother Flintfang came next, I reached out to embrace him, "Hello little brother, With this life I give you Mercy, mercy comes before power and victory, remeber that." This life didn't hurt as much as the last two. It still have a sheer force but not as powerful, it was quick, but his words stuck in my head, he was talking about Rosetail and Stonefur.

As we was walking away my dear sister took his place. "With this life I give you Love, use it to care for your Clan and the ones you love." A warm feeling melted my body, this was the way I felt when Russetfur and I were together and when I met my kits for the first time.

I was starting to feel really tired, "Blackfoot!" A tiny voice squealed, a little bllack-and-white kit stepped out and this cat had a very special place in my heart, "Badgerfang!" I whispered. He nodded the sat on his haunches, "I'm giving you a life for Mentoring! Use it to mentor your Clan like they were your own apprentices!" I had to lean down for him to touch my forehead, wind blew at my fur like I was running through the forest. This life was easy.

He rubbed against my leg then ran to his mother, I smiled, oh how I missed him, "My turn old friend." I froze at the voice and my eyes widened at the next cat that stepped out, "Clawface!" He ran to me and rested his head on my shoulder, "I missed you buddy, thank you for everything you did." "I missed you" I whispered. "I know, With this life I give you Pride, ShadowClan belongs to you, be proud of it." Pride filled my body and threatened to burst my lungs, I gasped and dropped my head as it was washed away. He licked ear then back away.He left and no one else came out.

Panic started to settle, where was the next cat? Who was it going to be? In the crowd of the cats I could see Archeye and Frostykit standing there. I hoped one of them would come out but the next cat who came out stopped my heart and froze my blood.

Stonefur walked up to me, I slowly took a step back away from him. "Hello Blackfoot" he said. "I-I'm s-sorry Stonefur, really I am" I whimpered. He smiled, "That's all I need to forgive you Blackfoot."

"With this life I give you forgivness, forgive other like I've forgiven you, but most importantly forgive yourself." A force pushed in me so hard I let out a yowl then dropped my head panting. My paws were so close to giving out when Stonefur nudged me, "Good luck."

Shadow stepped out, "Hello little one" purred, "There are no words to say of how proud I am of you, due to the past, since I brought you back to life, it will replace your ninth."

I nodded, "I understand, thank you."

She straightened "I hail you by your new name Blackstar! Your old life is no more, go and lead ShadowClan!"

"BLACKSTAR! BLACKSTAR!" StarClan called out. I smiled, "Thank you, all of you, I promise I will lead ShadowClan back to the days when it was a respected Clan!"

I sat up and Runningnose raced to myside, "Are you alright, you looked pretty worn-out." "I'm fine Runningnose, thank you" I struggled to get up. He leaned over to help stable me, "Let's get back to ShadowClan, I'm their leader now!"


One ... more ... chapter ...

Blackstar's Exile 3#حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن