Chapter 8: I Need To See Her!

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Blackfoot's POV

My daughter!?

I stared at her, "What did you just say?"

She frowned, "I'm Frostykit, your daughter."

I started to shake, "Russetfur had her kits."

Frostykit nodded, "She gave birth to three of us, Snowkit, Ratkit and me."

She walked over to me and rubbed against my leg, "Did you really save mommy from a snake?"

I couldn't hold back, I grabbed her and held her tightly. "Daddy?"

I didn't let go, I couldn't… I wouldn't.

"I gotta go bye!" She got out of my grip and ran away.

"No! Wait don't go!" I cried out for her, but she was gone.

I was alone again.

"Blackfoot" Shadow walked over to me.

"H-how did she die?" I whispered.

Shadow put her paw on my back and pulled me closer to her. This time I didn't pull away.

"The cold got to her" she said.

I rested my head on her shoulder. Russetfur must be devestated.

"Russetfur!" I jerked away.

"She's alright Blackfoot, your other two kits as well" Shadow resured me.

"No I mean I need to see her!"

Shadow smirked, "Wake up and go to the border of ShadowClan."

"Wait what?"

                   *End Of Dream*

I sat up and looked around. I was in our new den.

Should I go to the border?

I sat there and thought for a moment, then I stood up and quietly snuck out.

I had to trust Shadow.

I snuck though the Twolegplace and towards the forest. The moment my paws touched the grass… I felt amazing.

I sat and waited for something, I don't know what but Shadow said something was here.

A twig snap caught my attention. Someone was coming.

There was no time to run so I jumped behind a bush.

Was it someone from ShadowClan? What if they chased him off? Would they kill him?

The pawsteps got closer and closer. I held my breath then gasped as the cat spoke.

"Blackfoot!" It called.

My eyes widened and I peeked out, "Russetfur?"

It was my mate! She whipped her head around and gasped when she saw me.

"Blackfoot!" She cried and ran over to me.

I caught her and embraced her tightly. I would never let her go. Not again.

"I missed you" she whispered.

Tears were running down my face, but I didn't care. Russetfur was in front of me, holding me… loving me.

"I missed you so much" I cried in her fur.

She smiled and backed up so she could see my face.

"How are our kits?" I blurted out.

She looked shocked, "How did you know?"

I rubbed my tail over her now slim belly, "How are they?"

She bowed her head, and I knew what she was going to say.

"I know Frostykit is in StarClan" I said choosing my words carefully.

She looked up at me suprised, "StarClan told you about her didn't they?" She said.

"Yes, how are Snowkit and Ratkit?"

That made her smile, "Snowkit is a white she-kit and Ratkit is a brown tom."

"I wish I could see them" I sighed.

We sat there in an awkward silence. Then after a few heart beats Russetfur gleamed.

"At half Moon meet me here and I will bring them!"


"Of course."

I purred, "Thank you."


Romantic moment! Frostykit belongs to me. However this is done. Once Blackstar's Exile is done, if you remember, Hollyflower fell in love with two toms. So I'll write another story Called Hollyflower's Fate which is about her story.

Blackstar's Exile 3#Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora