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Another Person's POV

"I wanted to give you this...before your wedding..."

Forth looked at the box in his hand. He didn't know what was in the box. He holds it and opened it carefully.


He was surprised to see his gear in the box. He almost forgot about it. It's not like it does matter now but the thought of giving his heart to someone else other than Ming in past isn't comfortable for him.

"I never wore it for some reason and you know why...?"

Beam asked him. Forth shook his head. Phana was standing there as confused as Forth. He doesn't know much about Engineering but it was something half campus knew that the gear of Alpha was only worn by the person he wanted to be his mate.

"Why are you giving me this....?!"

Forth asked Beam back. He couldn't understand what Beam was trying to do now. He didn't step back into his house till Beam was staying there. He doesn't want to make anything complicated for anyone. He stayed with Ming.

"It was accidentally worn by someone the day you give it to me and that made me decide to never touch this gear again..."

"Wait..!!! What?!"

Forth didn't know that... He left the gear in the box for Beam to wear he thought Beam would wear it but then...

"He held it first before me. He put it on his wrist before me. His scent hit the metal before I could even feel it and now....... He took his place back... Forth. I was dumb but I understand sometimes we should let things go which isn't under our control. Congratulations to you and the person who's still owning your gear."

Beam said that and walked out of the room. Forth just stood there. He threw the book and held that gear in his head. He touched that metal and sniff it.

The lingering scent of lavender hit his senses. It's his Omega's scent. Phana just looked at Forth with a smile on his face. Forth falls to his knees holding his gear.

He couldn't hold back his tears. Phana stayed there for him. Forth hold his gear and wear it around his wrist.

"Maybe your gear is already chosen your mate even before you had any idea of it...."

Phana commented when Forth calmed down a bit. Forth nodded his head and wiped his face. He can't mess up himself before his wedding.

"I never thought he would be the one...."

"Maybe it's your destiny to give your heart back to who it belongs to from start, Forth."

Forth nodded his head with a chuckle, and smiled more brightly. Maybe Phana is right or maybe it's just a big coincidence but one thing Forth knows is that loving Ming was the best decision of his life.


Ming bit his lips and stared at the door which could get open anytime. He waited for this day for half his life but why does it feel like a dream to him?

"Are you ready?"

Mark asked him. Ming glanced at him and nodded his head. He holds his flower bouquet tightly in his hand and looked in front of him with the hope of a future with his Alpha where he would hold Forth's hand to walk every path together.

The door finally opened and then everything blurred around him. The only thing he could say was his Alpha standing there staring at him. The only thing which is ringing in his ears was the pounding of his heart.

I wish to hear you talking all night long because I enjoy being with you

Ming started walking. His first step reminded him of the day when they bumped into each other. It was so easy to talk with Forth and hear him all day...

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