This is my normal now

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Your plans have failed you once again."

Grandad: "It would have worked out perfectly, I would have gotten away with it if it was not for your nosy child thinking she's so wise and strong. She's is nothing but a brat that you brought into this world. This is exactly why I need to run it. To prevent people like you from having any offspring like her."

Dad: "Like her? My daughters are the best thing that ever happened to this unforgiving planet. They have taught me to love unconditionally. How to show content, remorse, and everything else a great leader needs to run a world or a country or even his own house. Yes, I agree that I am not always fair but I have been trying to remedy what you have broken in your rain when you tried to take over everything, and rule everyone. I have been trying to give back by dividing the continent into equal parts so that when Nasteljè takes over as queen and she wants to bring in democracy as she intends on doing, that there will be leaders equally chosen by the people of this country, to run every section in a manner they deem fit. To provide the people with a voice of their own. To give the elves what they deserve. A leader that does not suppress them but understands them.

I raised them as normal beings, elves without privileges other than a big roof over their heads, so they would know what it's like when they run this kingdom. To know what it's like to have nothing and to work for what you have. So that when they run the lower working-class they understand their pains, their anguish, and what they have to face on a daily basis. That they don't Value themselves as wiser or more inclined than others. So they don't see themselves as superior. The way you taught us to do.

I might have been raised in a boarding school but I was raised by the lower class as you would have put it. They taught me elvinism. They have told me how to appreciate everything and I am grateful for how you erased me because if you didn't I might have turned out to be like you. I will never, never want to be like you.

My children will run this kingdom like no one ever has. My children will be the future of this world, of this name, the Elven name. Though Nasteljè will be a Wonderful and fair queen I know I can leave the kingdom in the hands of either one of them, because Casoritania is The bravest most unselfish elf I have ever met and when they have each other they don't need anyone else. Not only are they strong but they are intelligent and trustworthy. They will not need me to hold their hands while in rule. This is why I am retiring and leaving everything to them at the end of the next cycle. After everything I have done to try and salvage what you have broken I know for a fact that they will be able to do a much better job of it than I ever could. Only they will be able to bring elves and dragons back together, the way they used to be. In fairness and equality. No one will be treated as lesser or controlled by the other. So, guess what daddy dearest, whatever you were trying to do, you failed again."

Everyone is surrounding us and to the left of me stood Cassy. I have no idea how she got here in the first place. As far as I know, she stayed back at the palace with mum but somehow during the speech both of them seem to magically appear out of nowhere.

Leonard: "I fetched them when I picked up Wolfie"

"That makes sense, why not put the future ruler in the line of fire?"

Leonard: "I had a feeling of how things would play out after I heard you listing into their first conversation."

"So wise - (Sarcastically).

Grandfather: "And what were you interned on doing with me?"

Dad: "It's quite simple actually. I will do to you what you've been doing to every dragon that's ever been on our premises. I will lock you up in a dungeon and throw away the key. Whom so ever tries to oppose me or tries to free you will be thrown in a cell of their own. We have enough empty ones as the crime rate went down significantly after you stepped down. All in favor say I!"

After everyone agreed my grandfather was locked into the dungeon as promised. Obviously stating the old cliche that we have not seen the last of him but that did not bother us in the least as we all knew he would not be leaving that place any time soon.

Anthonieos seems to be healing quite well and I am rapidly approaching my due date now. I can't wait to meet this baby boy! Who knows maybe if, I don't know my sister becomes queen. Which should be in the next few days. She will perhaps make him a predecessor who knows. He is the firstborn boy in our generation. One can only hope. If not and things go as planned with the political setup he might be the first president of Elvindale. Either way, I will be happy.

I went to see if Anthony was feeling any better and he started questioning me about our relationship.

"Do I still see a future for us? Honestly, I doubt it. Not only as I do not believe you would make a great father at all. The fact remains that you were already willing to give up one of your children just to save the rest of your family. To let your child die. That's not good parenting from my perspective. Maybe someday I might accept you and see if there is a chance of you having a part of your sons' life, it would never be fair towards my child to keep him away from you.

I don't think I'll ever be able to fully forgive or trust you again but I still for some stupid reason love you. I probably always will. I am sorry but I do not see a future for us. Maybe I'm not gonna meet the love of my life, I am in a way contempt with that.

I already have more than half a soul with Leonard in my life. He is the one that makes me whole. For me then that is enough for now. I don't see myself as a single parent. He has his aunt Nessy and uncle Pieterre who will raise him with so much love."

Afterwards, the guards took him away as he had to stand trial for all his wrongdoings. There is still no date set for this but I will support him through it. His family was relieved after being set free from Pieterres fathers captivity and was allowed frequent visitations.

Pieterre however took some time away from the kingdom to grief the loss of the father he never knew. Though he did not blame me for how things ended up he still had some inner demons to face.

I hate to say this but even after all this time has passed I still feel something for him. I know it's wrong but honestly, can you blame me. After everything we have faced together, it's hard not to. I hope the feelings fade or change into a more appropriate sibling love or something like that but until then the distance between us might be a good thing. Until I meet a new distraction or something similar to that. It is a relief knowing he was not there to witness the demise of his father but knowing that they will never meet must be hard. My heart bleeds but also sighs a relief when I think of it. He does not need that influencing his life.

A stranger approached me as I stroll down the garden on my way to feed my "other" children: " Good day ma'am, My name is Haraldeous. I do apologize for being so forward but I think you might be who I am looking for.

I was sent here by Thantious he is well, my dragon. We met recently as he was kept captive in a prison for some years. That is where he met you. It turns out he might be Leonard's twin brother, for now. His egg is about to hatch and then I guess he will be his sister. Strange I know and from what I can see I might know why. Can we talk?

Me: So much for a normal life......

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