Preparing for the big day

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We went to the material shop browsing through the cloth choices.

Anthony: "You decided on a color for us to go in? I like black, but I do look good in anything."

"Modest much?"

Anthony: "You know it. I know you have a budget, so I was thinking of wearing the suit that I wore when I graduated from the training academy. Maybe I could bring it by, and you could incorporate leftover material into the sleeves or pockets or something. I do not know much about this thing, but I do know that you are running out of time and that. Let me put this nicely, I am not doing pink! Purple or gold, yes, maybe? Though I would look splendid in a rose pink color, though I would prefer not to."

"Anthony my love. Do you remember when I bumped into you the first time? Obviously, you do. Your vocabulary was much more duke-like. These days you just sound more, well, normal. Why is that?"

Anthony: "I was trying to impress you I guess, and now I think I am just more comfortable around you. Why shall I revert back to my predetermined disposition?"

Laughing: "Not at all. I like you when you are just you. Non pretentious just you."

Anthony: "Then it has been decided."


Anthony: "The color obviously. The red you are holding."

And that was it, the end of that conversation the dark red would look good on my pale skin. Just not sure about my hair. I feel like a change would be good, but I really do not have time to do it.

Perhaps mom has some advice.

We arrived back at the castle and I started on my dress. About an hour passed before Anthony had to go do his rounds. I did not see him for the rest of the day. Sad, I know. I keep thinking about tomorrow. With matching outfits, everyone will know about us. I think Leonard probably knows. He highly likely felt my heart glowing. If Anthony is my soulmate, then he is Leonard's as well. Should I introduce them? I feel safe with him and telling one person about it could not do any harm, especially if he is part of the triangle. I need to talk to Leonard about it first and see how he feels about this.

Sixteen hours later and the hard work is almost done. Only the embroidery left. I need a break. Maybe I shall see mom about this hair story. Locking up the pets tomorrow and making time to see my soulmate. The big white one with red, golden eyes. Encase you did not know which one I was referring two.

I walked to moms' room for some parental advice. Could ask Nessy, I guess, but this is more a mom thing. Plus, I miss our chats. Not aggravated chats, just the mom-daughter kind.

Knock, knock.

"Mom, are you in your room?"

Mom: "Yes honey, come on in. I am trying on my dress for tomorrow evening. What do you think?"

"Wow mom, you look amazing. The yellow dress is the perfect contrast with your dark hair. Just one thing if I may?"

I go over to her jewelry box and take out her pearl necklace. It was an anniversary gift from dad two cycles ago.

I slowly place it around her long, slim elven neck, after removing the thin diamond one she was wearing. Slick hand movements learned in training wild animals you see.

Mom: "You have a good eye for this kind of thing. This does look much better. I am just wondering what the motive is. Did you want to borrow the diamond one by chance?"

"Not at all. My dress has an exceedingly high neckline. Would not suit it, but thanks for offering."

Mom: "In all fairness, I never offered. If you are not here to borrow jewelry, then to what do I owe the pleasure of your company. Do you want to talk about the reapers? I know you must be scared. I really did not mean for you to witness that. You know I love you. It was a lap in judgment. I could not live with myself after what I had done to the family and did not have the will to commit suicide. I thought if I paid the reaper he could take my soul to the other side as I rest in my bed. If you had not come through those doors at that exact second, I would not be here right now. I am so sorry for what I did. Not only to You and Pieterre but if I were to leave and Nessy had to be queen at such a young age. I can't imagine what would have happened. Did you ever tell her about that night?"

"No, never. I was so small I doubt she would have believed me in the first place, and no I am not here about that. I just want to be normal again if only for the festival. Anthony and I will announce our courting In front of the kingdom subtly by wearing matching outfits."

Mom: "Thank you and what? I am so happy for you! You deserve something good out of all this mess. You deserve love! Do me a favor though. Keep him in the dark for now. Just until the deadline. We are counting down the days until this mess is over. If only until the next cycle. At least it will give us time to prepare. Now, what can I help you with?"

"Okay, mom. I had wondered about that and thought to ask Leonard his opinion."

Mom: "Your dragon? I have so many questions still regarding that. I have always wondered what it would be like. I know you are still confused, but just maybe, bring me up there with you someday. I will not interrupt but this is scary and exhilarating at the same time."

"Alright, mom. But first, we need to discuss my hair for the festival. I need a change. A drastic one. Nessy has had hers done but with making the dress and taking care of all the animals for tomorrow. Locking them up and so forth I doubt I will have the time."

Mom: "What did you have in mind."

"Black with red streaks maybe? I am tired of being the only light-haired one in the family."

Mom: "Your dad..."

"Is bold mom. It does not count."

Mom: "I have a plan."

Mom opens her drawer and inside it is a small porcelain container. It looks possibly antique and very expensive. How is it that I have never seen it before? I have been in her drawers so many times as a child hunting for makeup to play with. Had to make my dolls pretty and paint the animal's toenails. Not my best idea. It is much harder than you would think.

She opens it and inside is a light blue substance. It looks like crushed glass. Like in a powder form. She takes out a little bit. Just enough to cover the tips of her fingers.

Mom: "Close your eyes love and imagine what you want it to look like."

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