Confronting Leonard.

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I have to find Anthony. I don't want to ask Nessy. This is a lot for her to process and I do not want to put any more pressure on her than she already has. I will try to get in contact with her today. Just to see if she is coping. Pieterre was with dad again this morning. So, I doubt they would notice if I disappeared for a while, or maybe they expect me to as I have yet to talk to dad about everything.

I walk to the training yard which is still vacant. The door has been fixed but they have yet to rehang it. I wonder what is next on the list for the boys before school starts. Possibly training or something in that line.

If the guys are not here where on earth could they be?

I walked past the kitchen and nope nothing. Walked to the lookout tower, but still nothing. I tried the maze garden.

"O this is pointless, I could have walked to Leonard by now instead of walking up and down looking for my lift."

Anthony (speaking from behind me): "Good day my lady, are you searching for something? May I offer my assistance by chance? I watched as you paced from one place to the next franticly hunting down something or someone. I thought it rude to interrupt while following you from behind. Maybe one should consider observing your surroundings once in a while so as not to miss anything. Not that I mind, it was not an uncomfortable position. The view was quite nice"

"Anthony: "I was looking for something, or shall I say someone, but I think I found him. Though now I'm not certain if it was such a good thing. I might have distracted him from his before perceived vision"

Anthony: "May I ask who this person is, or what it is you were searching for?"

"A semi-skilled carpenter. I heard he could help me with a small task I am struggling with."

Anthony: "Semiskilled? Now ware on this planet will you find one of those? I am however close personal friends with an exceptionally talented one. But if you only need a semi-skilled one, I am sure Drikust is around here somewhere. May I ask what the task is you need help with so I can find you the correct elf for your needs."

"As you know I moved rooms. The only problem is, well, there is this flimsy shelf on my wall that I am afraid might fall down, tumbling everything on top of it on my head while I am asleep. It is right by my wonderfully comfortable mattress and I would hate for that to happen. This might force me to move bedrooms again."

"As mine is already the one furthest away from that of the king and queen it suits my needs simply fine. If I were to move any closer, they might hear me when I sneak my suiters in and out at night."

Anthony: "I am having a slight problem responding to that. I would hate for anything to damage your gorgeous face. I could remove the shelf or simply ensure its stability. But I do feel like it might be an invasion of your privacy. Drikust might be able to do it but as it is your face in the balance; one should not take any chances. I might need to do it after hours, avoiding getting behind with my my own work. If you do not mind loud noises in your room that late or an interruption while entertaining a suitor. I would really need to ensure those nails are pounded in hard. For your safety of course. But this might

keep you awake most of the night. And as it will be after work you can imagine I might already be tired and sweaty when getting there."

" There is a shower in my room."

Anthony: "That sounds promising, after such hard work one would need to rinse off. The sawdust of course."

"O my are you positive that you are up for such a big task."

Anthony: "I don't know. It does seem like hard work and I am not certain if I have the correct equipment for such a demanding chore."

"I will be forever in your debt."

Anthony: "Well, if you put it that way. Is there perhaps any way I can be of some assistance at the given moment."

"I can think of a few things yes."

Anthony starts walking closer.

Anthony: "Name one."

(Taking a step backward): "Could you perhaps do me the honor of driving me somewhere?"

Anthony: "You mean insane, as you are driving me, or could it be the same place as yesterday?"

I nod my head and he agreed. It is not far at all if you do not take the scenic route. We get there five minutes later. I asked him to stay in the car. Things are just taking off and I would prefer him not to see me as a complete freak. How will it look from his point of view, me standing there in front of a dragon with a hundred facial expressions and asking him to keep quiet, so he does not interrupt the voices in my head?

Oh my, this sounds completely crazy just thinking that to myself. I do believe that it would be for the best if he had no idea of what was going on. Well at least for now. I do find it odd that he did not ask why I wanted to come here. He agreed to wait for me outside without hesitation. I am starting to wonder if my dad told him to do as I say. If it is his prerogative or if he is just being kind because we kissed. Oh well, whichever it may be I am happy to be here.

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