The third child

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"Is this it? The curse that I have?"

Dad: "How did you? You know what never mind why do I even bother. I already know the answer. You were there, That night I had the conversation with Pieterre."

"You would be correct in assuming that."

Dad: "How much did you hear?"

"Most, well, a lot. Perhaps even a little too much."

Dad: "So you know about him. You know about mom and grandad?"

"That sounds about right. I just have no idea who he is. Or if I will ever get to know him? Have I ever met him? Also, what really happened to our grandfather?

Nessy: "What the hell are you two on about? What curse and who is this him you keep referring to? And what do you mean with, about what happened to our grandfather? He died in the war. Did he not?"

Dad: "Would you like to tell her? I know you do not know a lot but it will be interesting to see how much of my private conversation you eavesdropped on. How much do you really know?

"You mean how much of our lives has been an utter lie. Because the monarchy is so much more important than your daughters."

Dad: "I was trying to protect you!"

"From what? The truth? How is that protecting us? How is that okay?"

Nessy: "Can someone just tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I am really sorry sis. I needed to get all my facts together before I told you. Apparently, every third-born child in mom's bloodline has a curse. Now we know what that is. And from what I just experienced magic is not gone, just suppressed. I assume forcefully."

Nessy: "What do you mean a curse, wait, just hold on one second. Third born? Who was first? Was mom married before?"

"Nope, dad was her first. She never lied about that. And you are the firstborn."

Nessy:" I am so confused."

"It is actually quite simple. Dad might have been her first, but he was not her only. When he left for war after you were born, a war which according to all records never took place. Yes, dad, I did some research. He left the kingdom to find out more about mom's history. She had just told him about the curse, and I guess he tried to look for answers. Answers I have been looking for myself since I found out. I never knew what it was until now and when daddy was away mommy got to play. How wrong is that? He tried helping her and she literally screwed him over. It turns out we have a brother. I have no idea who he is or where he lives but according to what I found out they still keep in contact."

Nessy: "You have a... and we have a... I think I need to sit down."

Dad: "It's Pieterre. There, now there are no more secrets. Apparently, you did not hear the entire conversation. Now you know everything, well, almost everything. Why do you think I have been keeping him so close to the family? Can you remember a time in your childhood he was not there?"

"I told you I was protecting you. I knew how you felt about him! Why do you think I tried to keep you two apart? And please keep your snotty comments about your mother to yourself."

"No, not Pieterre! It cannot be!"

Dad: "I am sorry, but it is."

"Well, maybe if I knew the truth from the start there would never have been any feelings in the first place. Then I would not have needed you to protect my emotions. I feel so dirty, guilty and ashamed all at the same time"

Dad: "It's more complicated than that, much more than I can tell you now. I never tried to protect your feelings. I was trying to protect your lives I cannot get into that now. Not here. Let us talk when we get back to the castle. I will explain everything."

He walked out returning to the castle, probably waiting for us to follow.

Nessy: "I think that I might need some time to process. Take it all in. Cassy, I am not mad at you. I understand why you did not tell me. You didn't really know enough yourself."

Why does everyone keep saying that to me? That they understand. How can they? How can they understand what it feels like to keep a secret that just might have destroyed our family? How did I just experience the best thing that has ever happened to me and the worst?

"I think I am going to stay here for a while and process."

Nessy: "Do you need me to stay here with you. I know I just got it all, but you just lost Pieterre. I can't imagine how much that has to crush you. I am sorry for that. I have always known you to be the strong one. I will be strong with you if you need me to."

"No, I am quite alright and I am pretty certain that father had already sent for one of the guys to provide protection. Plus, when did you become so caring? Aren't you supposed to be the heartless fiend?"

Nessy: "That's crewel and unasked for! I do have a heart you know. And I still love you no matter what. I think I am going to take a drive to clear my head. I might be back tonight but do not count on it. Unless you need me. Then I will be there. Father will have to wait. My brain can only handle so much at once."

"I will be fine. Go ahead."

She left soon after. Leaving me to my own thought, though they are not mine alone anymore.

"Have you been waiting there all this time listening to our conversation? That is kind of rude don't you think? So, your name is Leonard. How human a name for a beast like you? Oh sorry, I forgot that you do not like being called that."

Okay, now I am utterly confused. Am I talking to myself or to the dragon?

A normal lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin