Interview with a Dragon

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Leonard: "You are talking to me!"

"No, dragons can't talk. We have been taught that from a young age. That was just stories, a legend with no truth to them."

Leonard: "And that is all true. Dragons cannot talk. But then again, I am not talking now am I."

I turned around staring straight at him.

"Okay, say something again."

Leonard: "What would you like me to say?"

Oh crud, his mouth did not move!

Leonard: "I know, pretty cool right? As your generation would say. The sapphire ribbon you witnessed, I have heard of before but never experienced myself. It is a magical bond between dragon and elf."

"Not all dragons and very few elves have ever achieved this magnificent bond. Not only of mind but soul as well, the complete connection of self."

"We have a legend from cycles long past that when this bond appears no man, dwarf or even troll can break the bond and that we are now joined together for life."

"Well, to be completely honest, this seems like an invasion of my privacy. So, what you are saying is that I am stuck with you for like ever."

Leonard: "Hey, you are the one that touched me."

"But you knew this would happen, yet you never pulled away. Wait, when I just saw your life flashing in front of my eyes did you have the same experience but with my life."

Leonard: "I did, I thought my life was complicated. WOW. And just so we are on the same page I did not know this would happen. Like I said it never does. I do not think it has happened in the last 500 planetary cycles if I remember correctly. Not that I am aware of. My great, great grandfather apparently had such a bond. As moons went by, we all believed it to be nothing more than a fable. A story to put young dragons to bed."

"I never knew dragons were so complex with such a strong family bond. What else were you told? I know it is a first for you, but I think it is sort of equally as scary for both of us."

Leonard: "Sit down you are making me nervous. The legend tells us that there has been an elven bloodline

connected to that of the dragon since the beginning of time. They say that every third child born from this bloodline has the ability to communicate with dragons. But only one can activate it. See, from what I understand all living beings are born with half a soul. One half for you and the other belonging to your soul mate. Sadly, there are so many that die with half of theirs as they never get to meet the other half they belong with. Yet some do and then, well that in itself is a magical experience when two souls become one. They say that when you meet the other one and put your head to his or her chest you cannot feel their heart beating. Not because there is no heartbeat but because both of their hearts are beating in the exact same rhythm, so you just think you are feeling one, your own, when in fact what you are feeling is both. As you have read and I know you have, many stories tell of a true loves kiss. The thing is that it is real. True love does exist."

"I know it sounds corny. You don't have to keep thinking it I can hear you, you know."

"If it is one of the many that do not get to join with yours then, well let's just say reincarnation exists for a reason, you will keep being born until you meet him. Until that bond is made. Then only will you be allowed as one complete soul in the afterlife?"

"The thing is that according to the prophecy this third-generation elf does not have half a soul. Unfortunately, she or

he only has a third. For this reason, they have trouble connecting with other intelligent lifeforms easily. More likely to make strong connections with animals as her or his soul will crave the other third and only after filling that will she be able to fill the circle with the third half, or he obviously."

"From what I saw this has been spot on.

The feelings you felt for your brother. That was only you trying to fill a hole that was meant for well, me! The emotional connection with your pets, also me."

"Whatever, you talk too much. I asked what you were told not my story."

Leonard: "I will keep my opinions to myself. Oh, wait I can't, you can hear my thoughts."

"All the time?"

Leonard: "No, only when we are together, luckily, how else am I supposed to think about how uncomfortable this is making me. When we are apart, we can still sense each other's emotions though."

"Okay, but tell me this, why now? What happened for the past 500 cycles? Why were there no third-born children?"

Leonard: "Well, let us think about it. Does your mom have two siblings?"

"As far as I know she is an only child."

Leonard: "Your grandmother?"

"Unfortunately not, sort of but no. She was one of a twin and had a younger brother but he died in childhood."

Leonard: "And you don't know the rest. Perhaps you should speak to your mother about this. She might be more insightful than you think. Oh yes, and please do not tell anyone that I am, well you know, nice. It would diminish my reputation."

"Yes, what is up with that? Why have you been a douche, hurting elves and breaking everything?"

Leonard: "Topic for another day. I am a bit tired at the moment. If you like we could always continue this conversation at a later stage. When we have both had some time to contemplate our given situation. I think it has been an equally big shock for the both of us"

"Fine, I'm going."

Leonard: "I know"

This was weird, I just had an hour-long conversation with a dragon. That can't talk, lol, yet somehow, we understood each other.

Leonard: "I can still hear you".

I walk out to see the driver's car standing there. Great. Anthonieos how did I know?

"I need to get out of here"

Anthony: "Where to my lady?

"My mom, I guess, but take a long way home please."

Anthony: "As you wish my lady."

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